[hr]Episode 2: Mass Rave[hr] As soon as the elevator doors opened, Yeva slammed her hands over her nose, and inwardly screamed. What was that smell? Where was it coming from? Who died last week up here to make it smell this bad? How many? Were it not part of her responsibility to make sure Poole and Gray didn't end up [i]compromised[/i], Yeva would have stayed on that elevator. What sort of horrible place was this? While she had visited Venus before, Yeva never went beyond the main marketplaces. She heard a lot about these layers-- the dirty, empty, sketchy holes that they were-- and didn't see it ever necessary to go to one. Whatever a heyena was, Yeva didn't want to find out but, it seemed, today she didn't have much choice. What a shame [i]that[/i] was. And then came the beggar. Nervously, still with her hands covering her nose, Yeva moved, to put the wall of man that Poole represented, between her and the apparent danger. Why was this place to empty? A horrendous tickle began to creep it's way into Yeva's nose, then over her shoulders, and then she had a full chill-- wait a second, was she getting sick? With a notable amount of fear, Yeva put her fingers to a small device on her wrist, then began pressing buttons frantically. The small black screen eventually displayed-- [indent][list] [*][color=f7976a]HR[/color]: 118 [*][color=f7976a]BP[/color]: 130/88 [*][color=f7976a]O2[/color]: 97 [*][color=f7976a]T[/color]: 101.0[/list][/indent] Grimness set itself over Yeva's expression as she dropped her hands to her side. That ginseng was her last hope for staving off the cold-- for shortening it-- and here she was, feverish already. As another chill caused goosebumps to rise all over her skin, Yeva wished the worst misfortune upon whoever it was that bought all the damn ginseng on the station. She wanted to see them. She wanted to look into their stupid face and smash it in with her bare hands-- make them shit their teeth-- make them bite their tongue off-- rip out their intestines, wrap it around their throat the-- "Wha--" Yeva piped up as, suddenly, she found herself walking. Ah, Gray. He was dragging her along to... oh no. Pulling against Gray's grip a few times, Yeva knew it was a useless action, and he probably didn't even notice her efforts-- ah, yep. He didn't notice at all. As soon as Yeva took one look at the heyena, she began a fit of sneezing. Tears welled up in her eyes as the sneeze counter went over eight-- that must have been a pure Earth-bred animal. There was something about Earth animals, specifically the purebred ones, that made Yeva have a mild allergy attack. How unfortunate. Clearly Gray was trying to, uh, 'Gray Talk' his way into the club, and Yeva knew her sneezing was probably doing nothing to help his cause. Well. Had Venus not run out of ginseng, they wouldn't even be in this predicament. Yeva wiped her nose and stared at the ground, also coming to the conclusion that, had Venus not run out of ginseng, this allergy attack would not have been exacerbated by her apparent illness. She stared deeply into her palm full of boogers, evaluated them, then clenched her fist tightly. Yeva furiously asked herself, [i]Who did this to me?[/i] Because it was now, officially, their fault. Sure, she was going to get sick from coming to Venus anyway and sure, she was already a little bit sick before they landed but, [i]ginseng[/i]... [b]GINSENG[/b]. "Sup homie, we in?" Asked Gray. Yeva bared her teeth then glared at the bouncer before, with a decent amount of concentration, forcing the expression into a grin. Once more, Yeva tested Gray's grip, and once again found it too strong to pull away from. With a deep sigh, she gave herself in to her fate and another fit of sneezing but, this time, she was going to wipe the boogers onto Gray's sleeve-- because that's what he gets. She had told him before not to hang on to her like this, but Gray never generally listened [i]maybe[/i]. Or perhaps he had listened and was doing this just to spite her? [i]Well joke's on you, booger sleeve,[/i] Yeva thought with inward maniacal laughter. [hider=Summary] Yeva is sick, allergic to Hyenas, contemplates murdering the ginseng bandit, and has wiped boogers on Gray because she is a mature adult. [/hider]