[hider=Kaylx Ro][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170413/ebf155dae0a27236b36e37417cfade46.png[/img][hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/15/cb/64/15cb64125bd562a6c2a38fabcbef9f4f.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]Name:[/b] Kaylx Ro [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5'10 [b]Weight:[/b] 210 lbs[/center] [indent][indent][b]Personality:[/b] Kaylx is an outgoing jokester and a brash daredevil. The thrill of the hunt is something he lives for and views the monetary gain from it as a "bonus". When he's not on the job, he's looking for alternatives to satiate the rush from poaching alien game; most of which include pathological vices like gambling, drinking, smoking, and fraternizing. While emotionally driven for self gain, Kaylx takes pride as a hunter. He views the dozens of scars, prosthetic replacements, and surgical synthetics on his body as hazards of the job and nothing more. [b]History:[/b] Kaylx is a former Manhunter, a spacefaring division of Law Rangers that capture wanted criminals. It was part of a volunteer initiative, designed to help backwater star systems with understaffed personnel. However, Manhunters had a reputation for being whimsical crooks; viewed more as a nuisance than a helping hand. Kaylx wasn't quite the exception in that regard, but his talents were sorely needed in a cluster overran with criminal activity. He was good at his job. So good in fact that his adrenaline junkie idiosyncrasies as a wild man were tolerated, for the most part. Then the [i]Kapoor Station Incident[/i] happened. The devastation and backlash resulting from that event was enough for the Federation to terminate all Manhunter activity, indefinitely. Officially out of work and at odds with disgruntled ex-Manhunters, Kaylx did several assignments as a bodyguard until he caught wind of the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge. His fling was a client at the time, a xeno rights activist and dedicated protester against GAHL's poach-for-profit business model. It was all she ever talked about. Whether they were having dinner, or having sex, she would not stop lambasting this company. Secretly, Kaylx grew fascinated by GAHL, and the more she talked about it, the more interested he was in becoming a hunter. It wouldn't be long until he expressed his intention to join the hunting lodge. They fought, hate fucked each other one last glorious time, then went on their separate ways. Kaylx is known within the GAHL community as unpredictable and reckless. While the supervising boards of authority would like nothing more than to cast him out, Kaylx gets stellar results. Not to mention the social media buzz he generates makes good PR for the company. [b]Weapons/Supplies:[/b] [list] [*][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/83/09/6d830988a6eea6487bb294e5881ddff8.jpg]Gear:[/url] Carbon-kevlar nano-weave exo suit with tactical cloak and ballistic helmet. Provides auxiliary port sync with his central nervous system to monitor biology via HUD. [*][url=http://pre14.deviantart.net/e1ea/th/pre/f/2015/219/8/f/8f97272fb15e3a628c37483023ad939c-d94mhkw.jpg]Gum Launcher:[/url] Fires fast hardening adhesive rounds to immobilize targets. [*][url=http://img13.deviantart.net/7c45/i/2012/345/0/3/crysis_3___predator_bow_by_addorin-d5nq9ka.png]Compact Bow:[/url] The preferred hunting tool of choice. Comes with a variety of arrows like electro-shock, explosive, and knockout gas. [*][url=http://pre04.deviantart.net/7455/th/pre/f/2014/096/1/d/laser_rifle_concept_by_hazzard65-d7dcu56.jpg]Terminal Rifle:[/url] Long range laser rifle. Has an auxiliary cable that can connect to his suit to access advanced targeting systems on his HUD. [*][url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/1263/f/2016/015/f/e/fe4b1724cb005b7ca1f143f025320617-d9o3xqx.jpg ]Hunting Rifle:[/url] Retractable high powered rifle that can switch to different types of ammunition.[/list] [b]Misc:[/b] [list] [*][url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xx1ymlAO-Vg/ThywcrlXzWI/AAAAAAAAByY/HZerkZpG8yc/s1600/vehicle_demo_final.jpg]Toolshed Mech:[/url] A multi-functional mech unit from Red Engine Industries, designed to break off into several parts that can function independently. In main mode, this multiped mech unit can traverse all types of terrain, armed with a variety of weapons. -[url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2c/53/99/2c539995e632f9d868ed378bf17d055f.jpg]Aerial drone:[/url] Detaches from the main body. Armed with a small oscillating turret and communication relay systems to report back to Kaylx. Also has compartments for ammo and weapon storage. -[url=http://pre04.deviantart.net/061a/th/pre/i/2015/043/e/9/space_patrol_suit_2_by_progv-d8ho3i1.jpg]Hover Cycle - Mode 1:[/url] The back half of the toolshed mech can detach into this function. Provides high speed surface level travel. The main weapon is a low powered arc laser that can pack a punch, but takes a long time to charge. -[url=http://pre11.deviantart.net/cd46/th/pre/i/2015/043/7/8/space_patrol_suit_by_progv-d8ho3dl.jpg]Aerial Cycle - Mode 2:[/url] Transitions from Mode 1 for gyroscopic flight travel. The weapon on this mode is equivalent to a laser rifle. [*][url=http://pre04.deviantart.net/696e/th/pre/i/2013/257/6/9/big_five__african_wild_dog_breakdown_by_crazyasian1-d6mbl7f.jpg]Anubis:[/url] This synthetically grown hunting hound has been with Kaylx since his Manhunting days. Comes with super light frame plating and tungsten carbide teeth. Its tail transmitter links directly to Kaylx, able to communicate coordinates through simple text. Anubis comes with a standard A.I. core with limited cognitive function. [b]Notes:[/b] [center][i]"I did my job. More so than I anticipated, I guess."[/i] - Kaylx Ro's official statement on the Kapoor Station Incident.[/center] The [i]Kapoor Station Incident[/i] involved the complete destruction of a passion project funded by reputable investors. It was a satellite facility specifically designed as an orphanage for all types of aliens. The criminals Kaylx were chasing had sabotaged Kapoor Station and held everyone hostage. Long story short, the Manhunter rammed through the facility with a commercial frigate, then rammed the facility into an oncoming pirate ship that was looking to bail out the criminals he was after. Thankfully, none of the civilians were harmed. The dozens of workers and orphans had left on escape pods long before the Kapoor violently crashed onto a planetside settlement that was still under construction. It was later revealed that the Kapoor station was tied to a shady trafficking ring, and the planetside settlement was one of many black market hubs for the criminal underworld. The Kapoor investors were able to circumnavigate those claims by bribing the media (whom they also funded) to shift the focus on Kaylx for destroying an orphanage. While there is damning evidence to support those allegations, it is generally viewed as a conspiracy theory believed to soften the Federation's fallout for green lighting the Manhunter program. [/list] [/indent][/indent][/hider]