[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tUm0LZ8.png[/img][/center][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170415/16c8e96e67d9164b88c45f8654746a49.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=CAC100]"Imperator Deva, if I may."[/color] The armored figure of Torag Draken paced down the isle of the audience hall, hollow voice seeming to echo through the chamber. [color=CAC100]"My humblest apologies for interrupting, Your Majesty, but the remaining Laguna Angels will not be enough to put a halt to the threat you are describing. We would need something beyond them, the Valkyries, and the Harpies,"[/color] he listed, coming to stop a few feet to the left of Zeruel. [color=CAC100]"In order to deal with something of this magnitude, we may need to extend an olive branch to the Machina... and possibly the Demons should the circumstances prove dire enough."[/color] He knew it was blasphemous speech to reference peace and alliances in a place such as the Nexus, but it was the truth. As one of the more humble angels, the Harbinger of Light knew the limits of the Angelic army well, and potential enemies that could enter and exit the Nexus at will was well beyond everyone they had. Excepting Hildr, of course. She was of this caliber, apparently. The wraith turned to Deva now, to address her directly. Before speaking, he removed his hood and bowed his head to the divine ruler. [color=CAC100]"There is another matter that bodes ill for everyone. Gregorovic, the Faceless One..."[/color] He paused for a moment, his armor rattling lightly as he looked down in something between shame and unease. [color=CAC100]"He has escaped."[/color] [center][@TheWindel][@Lmpkio][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DRQUkXN.png[/img][/center][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/graffiti-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170413/f0fcb1ba725d1817bc394321715c80e5.png[/img][/url][/center] Without a specific task given to him for the coming raid on Celestia and the need to consume gnawing at him, Gregorovic had taken to wandering the demonic city, looking for anyone of interest, or anything that looked even mildly appetizing. Sliske had been a good source of strength to the Faceless One, but he needed several more victims to bolster himself for what was to come. Speaking of which, his slit-like eyes locked onto an unlucky succubus as she rounded the corner he was approaching. His left arm shot out and grabbed hold of the woman, pulling her in and not even giving her time to scream as he devoured her whole. A moment later, he was around the corner and continuing with his day like nothing had happened. [color=634680]"Hmm... tastes salty, a little sweet... wait I think I just ate a prostitute."[/color] He shrugged at the realization. [color=634680]"Eh, whatever. Wonder if Mephilus has a moment to spare."[/color] The macabre jester set off in the direction of whatever he had for housing, shoving anything unlucky enough to cross his path down his throat, which ended up including two imps, a stray Warfather, three more succubi, and a particularly unlucky hellcat. Upon his arrival, unlike literally everyone else in Hell, he calmly knocked on the door and awaited a response, all while drawing and playing with one of his glaives. [center][@Lmpkio][/center]