Moments after scraping the last bits of gravy from the bottom of the can, a sharp, foreign jolt of pain shot through Dawn's skull. It was little more than a headache, really, and went nearly as swiftly as it came, leaving behind a sense of alarm that was hers alone. Having lived in the Ash for so long, and having possessed her ability all her life, it didn't take long for her to put together that she wasn't alone anymore...and that her newfound guest wasn't exactly pacifistic. She shouldn't have let her guard down. Cursing at herself, she stuffed the empty can deep into her bag, swung it over her shoulder, and was squeezing herself out of a broken section of window when the sound of footsteps clicked their way into the cottage. There was a fairly large gap for Dawn to slip through, but a few wayward shards of glass managed to bite through her clothes on her way out. She hoped that the stranger didn't happen to have any sensory Gifts. She wasn't about to take the time to prod their mind to try to find out, either- regardless of whatever group the person happened to be affiliated with, if they were violent, then Dawn would probably be seeing their powers if they saw her. Ash and caution muffled her fall well, and, pressing herself along the side of the cottage, she crept away from the scene. She would start running at the first sign of a pursuit. A fight was not something to be taken lightly. Especially if this stranger happened to be among the many who could call for backup.