[@olcharlieboi] so i didn't realize that was only for accepted characters. I thought that was general apologies. [@NightmareInd][@olcharlieboi] Does the material need to be defined since all it is is solidified kinetic energy? I put the major drawbacks in the description of the quirk because it is simple enough that you stop her quirk by stopping her movement. However, gotta catch her first 😝 Also it is used mainly in a defensive manner but is not the only way she can use it. She simply prefers to do things in a way that focuses on nonlethal options. As to the strength and toughness of her constructs I am assuming this is why you want to know what is the material or what does it consist of. So I think for clarifying purposes she can mimic any inorganic object she can think of and the toughness and strength of the construct is determined by her speed or rather the amount of kinetic energy used to creaTe the construct. Example of she is going at 40 mph she can make say a solid wall that is as tough as concrete. But if she is going at 200 mph she can make something close to titanium or diamond like in strength.