[quote=@Scarifar] [@Inuyasha] That Guardian of yours looks incredibly powerful, perhaps a little TOO powerful. One Necrofear is annoying enough, but three? That is a true nightmare right there. Plus there's very little cost for that thing to get an aoe Book of Moon and 4 monsters. Even ignoring that, you didn't put "ignoring its Summoning Conditions" for summoning Necrofear, nor put what type of summoning method used (it's a special summon, obviously, but it's just identified as "summon" in the card effect). Proper wording, man, proper wording! [/quote] I don't know, Necrofear has been kind of power creeped recently with all the monsters that just bounce and pop things left and right not too hard to get rid of, and I was trying to kind remedy the power creep. But I think perhaps a stricter summoning cost might be in order (like dropping life points) or something, I'm not entirely sure, I guess we'll see. As for the card text, you're one hundred percent right, I forgot to do that, which is strange because normally I'm such a stickler for those sorts of thing.