It was surprisingly peaceful for a school built upon the concept of students fighting each other. That could just be because it was lunch time and normal people were enjoying their lunches instead of fighting each other. One such person who had been enjoying his lunch was the head of the music club located in a corner of the courtyard. He had been enjoying the down time as he listened to music and sifted through his student database tablet looking through ranks and the different types of weapons some of the students used. Kawaguchi Shin was not a big supporter of the battle system that started the year that he entered high school, though it did have its benefits like now when he needed to get his hands on new equipment for his club. The tricky part was he couldn't just go pick a fight with just anyone as not everyone gave the same amount of points meaning he would have to fight someone his rank or higher probably to make it worth it. There was also always the option for a club battle but that could be trouble as the music club was running low on membership at the moment and there didn't have much to put up as a reward for the battle. Shin let out a small sigh as even with his headphones on, it didn't completely filter out how loud the delinquents of the school were being at the other side of the courtyard. It was a club heads job to manage their members and make sure they didn't do anything to embarrass the club, thought it just seemed that Yamamoto Chie enjoyed encouraging those behaviors instead. Maybe it could be time to teach her what it actually meant to the head of a club. That would have to wait though as lunch seemed to be wrapping up soon and Shin wanted to do a little more research on Chie's strengths and weaknesses before throwing down the challenge.