Okay, I posted my characters. Sorry if it's a little rough around the edges. (and speaking of edge, sorry about the backgrounds. Figured it fit the show. :P) In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea to write these so late at night. Not my best when dead tired. XD If they look okay, I will post them in the character tab tomorrow. Now I need to go to bed. :P [hider= SaintXSerafina] [b]Name:[/b] Miracle Vagnoni [b]Username:[/b] SaintXSerafina [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/1k6WIKJ.jpg[/img] [b]Weapon Class:[/b] Two-Handed Assault Spear [b]Guild Name:[/b] None (Presently) [b]Guild Rank:[/b] None (Presently) [b]Level:[/b] 39 [b]Personality:[/b] She's a narcissist and is mentally unstable, having been a borderline misanthrope for most of her life. Though has been determined to fake normality and sociability to keep up appearances, will still often berate men or anyone that manages to piss her off. Often very cold and apathetic toward other people's plights. Rather violent in nature and will prefer to battle than to talk through a bad situation. Mostly acts out of self interest, with rare exceptions having an inclination to be friendly and nurturing around children. Some would say around certain individuals her personality almost does a complete 180, often mistaken for having some kind of multiple personality disorder. Is quite intelligent and confident in her abilities making her fearless fighter. [b]Backstory:[/b] Miracle grew up with her wealthy grandparents in a large mansion, since both parents had tragically died in a bank hostage situation gone wrong, when she was very young. Being the popular girl in her school and always at the top of her class. Often the one to spread rumors and hurt who got in her way to remain on top. She despised her family and her several older siblings that she avoided at every opportunity, angry that she had to be the youngest. She'd lock herself in her room and play games on her computer, purposely blasting music loud enough to cause vibrations throughout the house. Though she never had anyone tell her no, often spoiled with anything she wanted. Allowing her to get away with many violent acts that she committed on school grounds and to her older siblings. She didn't get a job once she left school like her other siblings and mostly stayed at home playing video games, every so often she'd babysit her school friends kids, often having dreams of being a mother. She received the equipment and the game as a present. Becoming one of the beta testers of the game. Though one of her other siblings received the game as well, which made her nearly avoid playing altogether. Just for the off chance she'd have to be around him in the game. Once the event occurred, her reaction was quite different from most when everyone discovered they could no longer return to the real world. It almost felt like a blessing for her because how uninteresting her life was. Becoming quite a dominant and infamous figure in the game itself, though suddenly stopped being the case and her behavior in the game nearly completely changed when she met another player who happened to be a child. Spending almost all her time, taking care of and training him from lvl 1 into someone who could defend themselves. [b]Theme:[/b] [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlhtNfTHZCk ]Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop[/url] [/hider] [hider=TheWanderer] [b]Name:[/b] Trevor Elms [b]Username:[/b] TheWanderer [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/9exwJ5s.jpg[/img] [b]Weapon Class:[/b] One-Handed Sword [b]Guild Name:[/b] None (Presently) [b]Guild Rank:[/b] None (Presently) [b]Level:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] He is very curious and kindhearted, though he acts quite shy when speaking to strangers. He is still soft spoken to those he cares about, often staying silent in social situations despite the desire to have a lot of friends. He seldom expresses any his negative sentiments or emotions to anyone but Miracle Vagnoni. (or his mother when he was offline.) He is a quick learner and acts rationally in most difficult situations. He enjoys training and is happy to spend time with her to become better and mostly follows Miracle Vagnoni around. Is slightly clingy and still has some childish habits like chewing on his shirt. [b]Backstory:[/b] Trevor lived with his single mother in a poor neighborhood. She never actually told him of his actual father, never knowing what to say when she didn't even know his name. She chose to carry on the child of a stranger who assaulted her in college, keeping the child due to her strong religious upbringing and feeling quite repulsed at the idea of giving it up. Raising him while still going to school and doing several jobs, fortunate enough to meet some kind people at her church that she attended, often giving her money and clothing and other items to allow her to take care of her child. He was home schooled and was taught well since his mother was a school teacher herself. He helped mom do everything around the house, clean, cook and often had to fetch a blanket and pillow for his exhausted mother when she come home late at night and end up not even making it to her bed. A richer family at church, found the hard work she did and her story was inspirational and ended up setting her up with a much better paying job at his company and in a short amount of time, his 12th birthday. He was living a much more modest life, in a much better neighborhood. He actually became good friends with the son of their family, and he'd show and share all the games he had with him, even letting him borrow his many game systems. (including a NerveGear.) He became addicted to playing games and imaging that he'd become a brave warrior growing up, so he could protect his mother forever. Especially when she started getting sick all the time, he didn't understand how sick she truly was. But playing games was one way he could pretend everything was okay. When the game became his reality, it shattered him and he quickly feared for his life. He broke down crying the whole first night of this discovery, just wandering around aimlessly for a while, being cautious enough to not get killed. Only wanting to stay alive and wishing he could see his mother again, his desperation carried him along. However one day he ended up getting himself into a incredibly dangerous situation, but he was saved and that day changed everything. Becoming a follower to the player that saved his life, telling him to stay with her and that she'd protect him. He almost felt as if he was in his mother's arms again, it gave him comfort and breathed life into him, making him feel excited for what the next day brought. He stopped worrying about getting home and spent countless days training with his new mentor. So once he was finally able to come home, he'd be stronger and make his mother proud. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBaIdu3spg0]Awake and Alive - Skillet[/url] [/hider] Edit: [@DeadlyPhoenix] Forgot to mention you last night. :P