[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/ArtlIO1.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [indent]Karlie was slightly taken aback with how Nike handled Arthur. But she had to admit, the girl's sheer tenacity in showing Arthur the error of his ways was astounding. Although she didn't overly appreciate it when Nike's tirade was channeled towards Karlie herself when she had interjected in Nike's defense. Still there was something to be said about the Amazon's outlook and philosophy as a whole. [Color=indianred][b][i]#Goals[/i][/b][/color] Karlie thought with a smile adding the Amazon's home as a destination vacation to her personal bucket list. Rev's response however quickly brought Karlie back to the present as the alien regurgitated some [i]'Menist'[/i] nonsense he no doubt watched from some moron on YouTube with a neck beard and a fedora. It was probably for the best that Rev then gave chase to Arthur. Perhaps then the two could go and talk about their feeling together, cuddle, maybe have some Netflix and chill time. As long as Karlie didn't have to see the two of them anyways she would be happy. However, the search for food quickly resumed despite the introduction of Karsin and his lust for misadventures. As he introduced himself, Karlie caught the look the other boy gave her as she raised any eyebrow of her own to match his smirk. Her eyes met his gaze, holding it before giving him a wink and withdrawing her hand. Following after Julien and Nike, Karlie gave Nike's behind a quick swat as the group emerged into the kitchen. There, Greta sat at the table, her eyes bugging out at the sight of Nike as a small panic formed in Karlie's chest. Were they supposed to hide their identities from the other students? Karlie couldn't remember and likely would have blown everyone's cover right then and there had it not been for the timely arrival of Zatanna. [Color=indianred][b][i]#Relief[/i][/b][/color] As Greta left, Karlie's eyes followed Karsin as the younger boy raided the fridge. Her nose crinkled in mock disgust as he pulled forth an apple and water before she decided it would be best to take matters into her own hands. [Color=indianred][b]"What do we got?"[/b][/color] The girl asked rhetorically as she opened the fridge door and took a look. There really wasn't much selection to be had within the fridge but an idea dawned on her as Karlie turned around to face Rufus. [Color=indianred][b]"Hey, Dash, would you mind doing little ol'me an itty-bitty favour?"[/b][/color] Karlie asked, one hand tugging at the collar of her tank top, while the other twirled a strand of her hair. She batted her long eyelashes as she took a step towards Rufus. [Color=indianred][b]"Could you go get us a couple of New York Deep Dish pies?"[/b][/color] Karlie stuck out her bottom lip as she completed the request. [Color=indianred][b]"Hashtag, pretty please?"[/b][/color][/indent]