Okay so I just accidentally posted in the character thread and I am incredibly embarrassed to have committed such an error. But here's my new card: [hider=Caster of Necrofear][img]http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=Caster+of+Necrofear&cardtype=Monster&subtype=effect&attribute=Dark&level=6&rarity=Common&picture=http%3A%2F%2Fimg14.deviantart.net%2Fb348%2Fi%2F2012%2F198%2Ff%2Fd%2Fhooded_figure_by_twinalchemist-d57nfom.png&circulation=&set1=&set2=&type=Fiend&carddescription=This+card+can+only+be+Guardian+Summoned+when+your+Life+Points+are+below+2500.++To+Guardian+Summon+this+card%2C+you+must+banish+3+%22Dark+Necrofear%22+from+your+hand%2C+deck%2C+or+graveyard.+Once+per+turn%2C+during+your+End+Phase%2C+you+can+pay+1000+Life+Points+to+special+summon+one+%22Dark+Necrofear%22+from+your+banished+zone%2C+ignoring+its'+summoning+conditions.+When+this+card+leaves+the+field%2C+return+all+cards+in+both+players'+banished+zones+to+the+deck.&atk=2200&def=2800&creator=&year=2017&serial=[/img][/hider] Here's how I nerfed it: - Completely did away with AoE Book of Moon on summon, inability to get negated, and protection from attacks and targeting. Those were erroneous and out of place so I just scrapped them altogether. - Lowered life point threshold to summon it, and made it a 1000 LP cost to summon One Necrofear, once per turn. This means if your lifepoints are at the exact threshold of 2500, you can only summon 2, at the cost of all but 500 life points, over the span of two turns. If your life points are below 2000 when you Guardian Summon, which I'd imagine would be a common occurrence, you can only summon one. - Made it so it summons during the End Phase. This means the Necrofear cannot be used whatsoever on my turn. If this needs further nerfing, it could be summoned during your Standby Phase, meaning you have to wait until it is your turn again to summon a Necrofear. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any qualms I will gladly fix them, or if this summoning Necrofear thing doesn't work for you guys at all I'll think of something else