[center][color=92278f][b][h3]Bonesword[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Well... that was a freaky situation. In any case that went over quite alright for the swordsman. He stood and watched as the clouds of pollen washed over the area, and it began to float around in his mind that he can just leave the battle and be done with it. He's tried his damn best, but in the end he just felt like it caused others to think of him as a lesser force. Bonesword didn't blame them, as what he did was a bit extreme and it really wasn't time to resort to measures like that. Nonetheless the skeleton turned back towards where he entered the battlefield from, and he used the same tree-launch technique as before to shoot himself the entire way there. He managed not to hit anything, and while his landing was rough, he did turn back to Arcadia before finally starting his abscond towards where he entered the area from. He could easily be seen, as there was a great absence of any trees providing him cover, but he honestly didn't care at this point. All he wanted was to get home. [hr][center][h3][color=00a651][b][u]FROG[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center] Making a raid on Heaven? Damn was that a show to watch. A weirdly-manufactured camera would be recording all of the Frog's efforts as he made his own way through Heaven, trying his hardest to get to where Zeruel was. If the puppet could get control of him or Deva... oh the potential! Maybe he could even start his own attack on the Machina's forces, or maybe remake Hell in his own facade... probably not that last one, but the sheer potential of his attack could spell disaster for all of Heaven and spell true fortune for Hell. The frog sprinted through the halls of Celestia's stronghold, stopping when he got to the final few rooms. He knew that if he continued from there he would be minced meat, as he saw Torag's back rushing into the main hall. Although Torag proved a bit of an obstacle for the Frog in the long run, it did give the Frog an idea. If he ran into the hall now, and he tried to jump, no doubt he'd be crushed in multiple different ways. However, if the Frog managed to trick someone into putting him on... With his AK-47 beside him, the frog hit the wall with it to try and make any sense of noise, then he hid it carefully behind a nearby door as the Frog went limp and played dead, acting no more than a silly puppet that had been discarded on the floor of this castle. [@TheWindel][@Lmpkio][@Mega Birb]