[@Kreutzer] I just like giving people a chance since I don't like being entirely unfair to people. Yet U.a. doesn't really have much or if any transfer students, and one has to pass the Entrance exam to get in, depending on their result would put them in various departments or if they was going for a specific department. So lore wise not to sure how late students/transfer students would really work, I at lest don't remember any one joining as a transfer student in the manga or anime so far, as for changing classes if I remember right that is possible but only after the School Festival if they preform good enough or bad enough to get transferred, it was mention but never done yet. When looking at it technically ya Kinetic energy is the energy generated from movement of some kind, so technically if just having something that constantly spun would create kinetic energy that could be used. but that's just an example it's up to how [@kidjab] wants to use their quirk. In the end it will only probably be a week at MOST before we start since I wont give them forever, but I'll give them enough time to try, we technically could have up to like 20 something 'Characters' in one class, and not everyone always manages to pass so the class isn't always full, so various things can be done there. If you do have more ideas just be sure to say it as well, especially for my second version of my character lol, since I am in the end just trying to finalize what idea I will use in the end for my own character with that, loved the idea of copy all, though I would probably simply be using all the other rper's Quirks half the time, a made up quirk from a random made up person, or a Quirk from one of the Pro Heroes which would probably cause some trouble in one way or another eventually.