What's up! [@LordZell] [hider=Rolls 25] [h3]Rolls[/h3] [b]Basic Demographics & Geography[/b] [u]Territory Size:[/u] 4. Your nation has an average sized expanse of land. There's enough for agriculture, cities, and then some wilderness. Your border is large enough that smugglers can sometimes make it through, but by and large it's still defensible. [u]Population:[/u] 1. 1,700,000 (very small) [u]Urbanization:[/u] 3. Your nation has the typical ratio or rural folk to city dwellers: that is, there's probably about 8 or 9 in the countryside for every one in the cities. What is there to say? It takes a lot of farmers to support those craftsman and merchants in the city! [u]Government Type:[/u] 8. Your nation is still a tribal society. The various chieftains or patriarchs of their clans rule individual settlements, and there may or may not even be a central figure that all the others owe fealty to. If there is some sort of high king, he probably wields much less power than a feudal king and your tribes are probably mostly autonomous. Tribes also have a tendency to develop rivalries, so there's a good chance that the occasional bit of infighting cripples your nation as a whole. [u]Political Stability:[/u] 2. Your people are growing increasingly discontent, but so far it hasn't boiled over to the point of violence. Or if it has, your government has found a way to suppress it before it erupted into anything major. [b]Economy[/b] [u]Overall Wealth:[/u] 4. Your nation has a solid and rather stable economy. You have the means to finance most of the projects that your government wants to undertake, and most of your people enjoy a good standard of living. [u]Government's Primary Means of Generating Income:[/u] 5. Tariffs on trade (both internal and foreign) provide your government with most of its money. Of course, your merchants probably don't like this and there's probably a lot of smugglers that try their best to avoid these hefty taxes. [u]Technology:[/u] 1. Slow Modernization, your nation does somewhat lags behind the rest of the world, with many of your people stubbornly clinging to traditions and conventions. [u]Agriculture:[/u] 5. You grow a variety of grains and vegetables and your farmers have developed a system of crop and field rotations. As such, they create a food surplus and your people are generally well nourished. [u]Natural Resources:[/u] Iron, coal and peat, fur, wool [b]Military[/b] [u]Military Size[/u] 3. Volunteer militias supplemented by some additional levies in wartime. An average sized army all around, but lacking in elite units. [u]Military Focus[/u] 3. Poor navy; emphasis on light infantry and guerilla warfare in the army; a fair amount of magic users for battle. [u]Military Leadership[/u] 2. Generals rose to their positions through experience and battlefield exploits; competent, but also decadent [u]Military Reputation[/u] 9. Unpopular domestically; held up by foreigners as an example of an effective force[/hider]