[@manapool1][@Jollan][@ShadowVentus] Okay so I've added up the total of post between this one and the original (also to note we're 22 away from hitting 1000 in IC). IC Original: 2,416 IC Now: 988 IC Total: 3,404 OOC Original: 2,254 OOC Now: 1,676 (1677 with this post) OOC Total: 3,931 We've got a lot of story in all those post (a combination of us being dorks and screaming of what we're doing after someone who was running an arc dropped...still sad cause that was gonna be a cool arc...or us just trying to plan a new arc) EDIT: OH MY LORDY I JUST REMEMBER I ORIGINALLY MADE RIS AROUND 8 YEARS OLD.