[@Lucius Cypher] While it is a very intense backstory and an interesting quirk that could be fairly weak by itself. I think you might of went a bit overboard when it comes to his hero outfit.. while that could be close to a final idea, I'm not sure he could of ever actually gotten the resources to create to begin with. Don't forget he is literally getting out of middle school and is heading into highschool. While it's called an Academy it's basically an over the top highschool. So he wouldn't of been working ever so he would only be able to rely on his parents in terms of money.. and considering his father turned into a villain, most of his assets would of been taken by the police, because it's just like he was a simple criminal he was an actual villain. Even a hero like Rusted Warrior, while giving him a guiding hand wouldn't simply just give him the means to create some kind of suit when he is the son of a villain. While probably wouldn't discriminate against him, just wouldn't so bluntly give him the very stuff he needs to make essentially a weapon similar to the boy's father even if the intentions are for the better. So for the start of the roleplay I would say to tone down the hero suit a great deal. Make where it can still very much help and assist him since his quirk isn't really a combat one, but don't go crazy like you did on it.