[@Lucius Cypher] While Turbo's character is strong, that heating issue causing heat stroke is a very major weakness and factor that shortens the time the character can even fight. Even if the suit can negate it slightly doesn't mean it can get rid of completely. Pretty much everyone's quirk that has been made and accepted has ways to fight against the red oni pretty easily to be frank. Most students who go for the hero course is a lot more physically fit and stronger than the average person, but I'm digressing here. I'm not worried about it's strength, I am more trying to find a complete logical reason as to how he could of gotten this suit at this point. Even if he got past labor laws, it is very easy to find out someone's true age in many, many ways so he wouldn't of been able to get full wage. so it would take a good long time probably before he could even afford the steel let alone the unknown power source that I have no clue about making that part the main reason why it's more questionable. I mostly feel the design is kind of crazy for at least a starter suit I will emit. Also if I'm sounding rude, or mean I do apologize, I am just trying to figure things out and try to get a nice roleplay going where everyone can be happy while nothing hopefully being past a level of heroes in training at the start. While in U.A. he would probably have more resources if he requests it and gets approved to make greater upgrades, not to mention the Department of Support probably wanting to get their hands on his stuff and mess with it themselves. After all they provide ever hero with suits, and upgrades them all free of charge. so giving resources to a person who knows how to create their own in the school, probably wouldn't cause them much trouble.