[color=orange]"Alright Corinne, we're gonna start real simple like. Just copy what I do. I'll be tellin you what to do as well, so listen ok."[/color] instructed Rolo. [color=orange]"Trust me, we're gonna rock."[/color] placated Rolo. [color=orange]"Lets do this"[/color] he ordered. It was time to nut up or shut up. Rolo then began to perform the simple steps of the Charleston, slowly and precisely. Right leg steps back, left leg kicks back, left leg steps forward, then finally the right leg kicks forward. Rinse and repeat. A simple dance yet quite a nice dance when performed well. Always kills at jazzy parties. The laughter and embarrassment was really starting to get to Rolo. He hoped that Corinne would pick up the dance moves real soon. He whispered the steps aloud as he performed them. Loud enough for Corinne to hear them. Hopefully, it was enough.