[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Lm9x349.png[/img] [h2][color=F3E2A9]B.E.A.S.T[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0quYvfP.png[/img][/center] Gears, sprockets, and bits of metal clattered into heaps across the surface of the pale sand below the partially devoured hull that was once the Daimyo, cast off by the voracious feeding of Beast's frenzy. As Miyu awoke, she was met with the sight of the broken mech, laying in pieces with the mechanical animal hanging over it. Shambling over and halfheartedly kicking at the large creature's heel with a weak shout, the angel could feel just how solid the monsters skin was. There was a moment of tensity in the air as the behemoth suddenly became motionless for a few seconds before slowly lifting its oil stained maw from the corpse of the mech and turning toward the small angel. Scraps of armor and wires dangled from the jagged fangs of the beast as its massive visage aimed at Miyu, seemingly frozen toward her movements while she mounted the mangled Daimyo and removed the black box. Little more response arose from the metallic monster other than a swiveling gaze as its eyeless stare followed Miyu's movements. However this changed when she spoke again, prompting the hulking metal lifeform to suddenly approach. The circuitry held in its jaws fell to the ground at Miyu's feet as she came face to face with Beast, who hunched down to her eye level. Low computerized blips and clicks resounded from the creature accompanied by ragged bellowing breaths as it slowly circled the angel, intentions unclear. It looked her up and down, blowing a small rush of warm steam across her legs with a sharp snort. The faint rumbling of Beast's occasional abated snarls shook Miyu as it finally stopped in front of her. Just when the massive figure of the monster seemed as if it were about to strike, it instead lowered its head. All of the monster's limbs embraced the sandy ground as it knelt down, bowing to the angel subserviently. Before she could manage a full reaction, the dull throbbing of a subtle headache nagged at Miyu, blurring her vision slightly. A twinge of sensation, warm and tingling, crawled down her back, spreading through her wings and down the length of her body. Faint jolts of electricity arched across the angels body, raising the hairs on her skin as they subtly tickled her. The nano-machines in her bloodstream and spread throughout her anatomy all had awoke. Something blurry and slightly illuminated began to sprawl across Miyu's vision as she felt her sight begin to change and refocus. The structures in her eyes reformed and realigned. Everything in her field of view suddenly became so vibrant and clear. The texture of the sandy dunes and rock formations that laid all around her, the way the shadows curved across the ground, the gleam of the brilliant cosmos above, and all the other sights to behold had become crystal clear in the eyes of Miyu. The illuminated jumbles of blur that patterned the bottom of her vision finally joined the clarity, slowly taking the shape of computerized text. To someone familiar with technology and computer systems, the text could easily be identified as readings. Something like the output of an operating system. [color=A9A9A9][center]--B.E.A.S.T. Unit to Host recognition confirmed--Nanitic integration established--Host vital signs monitored and stabilized--physical and biological deficiencies and defects repaired--Stage 1 symbiotic link completed--Awaiting vocal command input--[/center][/color] A subtle surge of energy filled Miyu as she felt herself become slightly revitalized, as if someone had just pumped her with caffeine. The feeling wasn't too overbearing, but felt like a rush of adrenaline as it came and subtly passed. Beast remained low to the ground, still bowing at Miyu's feet expectantly. Its massive plated form was faintly illuminated by the dim light of the cosmos above and the occasional sparks that spewed out of the wreckage behind it. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0quYvfP.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]--- [@The 42nd Gecko] ---[/sub][/center]