Greetings, If you are reading this than that means you are something truly extraordinary. Perhaps you are aware of it, and maybe you are not. Regardless, I assure you it is the truth. The world is filled with countless specimens of life and among them all you stand out as truly unique. You are gifted beyond normal. Perhaps even in ways that are beyond normal. Accept it. You are not normal. You're exceptional. A truly special individual with gifts that have the potential to surpass all others if you learn to use them wisely and to your advantage. I can do that for you. If you join me at St. Argos Academy you'll find yourself in a place built specifically to help you succeed along with hundreds of others your age and similarly gifted. Whoever you are now makes no difference to me. I am only concerned with who you might become and trust me when I say that you have the potential to become someone truly great. Included in this message you will find all the pertinent information about St. Argos Academy and all you need do is to fill in the registry and reply. I trust you'll make the right decision. [Right]Sincerely, Samantha Smith Headmaster of St. Argos Academy[/Right] [b]Premise[/b] [HIDER]You have all received letters inviting you to the St. Argos Academy. It is settled in a private island in Japan and it's grounds are large and expansive and its facilities numerous and well stocked. You are invited to attend free of charge thanks to your enormous potential. What that means is open to interpretation but it reminds you that St. Argos also comes with its fair share oddities. Even with norm in today's society, those invited are usually interpreted as strange and unique, but is that any reason to pass it up? No, it's not. You are going because no matter what people say it is still one of the best schools hands down in Japan and like it or not, you have to go. No point fighting it. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it Sheila for I care because come next term you will be attending St. Argos Academy like it or not.[/HIDER] [b]St. Argos Academy[/b] [HIDER][CENTER][/CENTER] St. Argos Academy was founded by Samantha in the late nineteen-forties following the devastating second world war. During the reconstruction of Japan, Samantha spent a great deal of time in the countryside helping to rebuild the nation he had played a role in destroying. Guilt was what moved her to start up her academy on an island in the Eastern Coast of Tokyo, but it quickly changed over the years. Samantha recruited her old friends to help teach and began to scout out the gifted youth in Japan. Why? That is a question that has been asked for years. The official reason is said to be Samantha’s desire to help preserve and protect the greatest humanity has to offer and to provide for them an environment that allows them to expand their abilities to that of their full potential. Indeed, over the years many excellent individuals have come from the hallowed halls of what became known as St. Argos Academy. However, there have also been numerous graduates that have gone on to do horrible, monstrous things. They all also thanked Samantha's academy for their training. St. Argos Academy is a school for boys and girls of exceptional gifts and eccentricities no matter their moral standing or family background. They take in people from all walks of life no matter their history or skill set. It is for these reasons that the Academy has another name. The Zoo. A place for misfits and oddities with the occasional monster or exotic beast. Have no fear though, for whatever you arrive as you most certainly will leave as something more.[/HIDER]