[hider=Brooks Lockwood] [hider=Large Picture] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/1e0e/f/2016/145/0/8/dishonored_2___corvo_concept_art_by_thelabartist-da3q1qn.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Brooks Lockwood [b]Species:[/b] Homo Sapien (Human) [b]Age:[/b] 50 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6’’0 [b]Weight:[/b] 250 lbs [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Brooks is a hardened life veteran with very little patience for stupidity. He has a sharp tongue and a short temper, often wary of strangers with little regard to social etiquette or manners. Whilst he is unafraid of conflict, Brooks’ aggression is held back by his level-headedness and common sense. He knows how to pick his battles and is very aware of his limits. He carries himself with stoicism and tends to show very little visible emotion aside from general annoyance. For Brooks, law and virtue are less of a necessity - you could do anything you like if you could get away with it without being caught. He still operates under his own strict set of morals though, quick to be disapproving or to congratulate people for doing what he saw as ‘the right thing’. Brooks wouldn’t describe himself as the most intellectual person but he has a lot of wisdom to dispense if needed. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Brooks’ first recorded history was with the manhunters. It was unclear whether he actually liked working with them or just had no other place to go. The only thing that was certain was that he knew how to get the job done. Management took an interest in Brooks rather early on; his ‘no-questions-asked’ attitude and efficiency was obviously to their liking. After his first five years Brooks was offered a leadership role within the manhunters commanding his own small crew, and he wasn’t rejecting it anytime soon. With nowhere else to be and an income of decent pay depending on the job, it seemed good. Brooks spent the following years as a brutal yet fair captain, building himself a reputation in all corners his line of work brought him into contact with. As time passed Brooks began to grow tired and wary of the increasing amounts of bureaucracy he had to deal with. Nearing his tenth anniversary with the manhunters Brooks was finally fed up of the constant political bickering the faction involved itself in, the restraints on how one was allowed to operate, and general high-horse attitude his equally-ranked coworkers were showing. He obviously couldn’t leave on a whim; he had grown quite used to the increased source of income. However, when he heard about the salary that the GAHL were offering Brooks made up his mind fairly quickly. From hunting men to hunting beasts. There were times where it felt easier, only to be reminded that tracking down a 15ft camouflaged monster on its home turf wasn’t exactly as easy as hunting down a gambler neck-deep in debts in a space-station. It definitely brought in more than enough pay for a man as self-sufficient as him, so there weren’t any complaints. Abigails introduction into Brooks’ life was more-so her doing then his own. Two years into working with the GAHL, after the completion of an extermination contract on Telmurak, the young girl was found hiding in the storage room, crammed between crates. The kid pleaded her case, and the crew decided to allow her menial work maintaining the hygiene of the ship. However, something about Abigail just clicked right with Brooks. The two of them got along really well; they learnt each other’s strengths and weaknesses. For some reason the other crewmates didn’t seem to know where the girl’s strengths lay. It only took a few weeks of watching Abigail fail during her training for Brooks to intervene, tell everyone they were doing it wrong, and take the girl under his wing. They’ve been working together ever since. [u][b]Weapons/Supplies:[/b][/u] [url=http://i.imgur.com/lZAYrPd.png] - MARK II Babylon Dropsuit:[/url] Incredibly heavy and restricting armor. The suit, one that already requires intense physical endurance and stamina to wear, needs to be constantly kept charged to allow the heavy frame-work to properly function. Even the strongest man will find himself constricted in the armor if it’s energy drops below critical levels. The size of the armor restricts the user's accuracy but the power-assisted exoskeleton allows the user to carry heavy caliber personal weapons. Additionally, the design allows the wearer to withstand concentrated small arms fire and protect the wearer from the concussive, thermal, and impact forces of low-grade explosives. Primarily used for drop-troops, the armor can protect the wearer from significant changes in air pressure and allow them to fall long distances. [url=http://i.imgur.com/VO04stx.png] - 20mm cannon:[/url] A basic 20mm cannon firing explosive rounds. Used by Brooks in the assist of taking down large monsters. The canon is long and heavy, otherwise usually found attached to vehicles, Brooks’ suit allows him to wield it hand-held, albeit slowing him down massively. [url=http://i.imgur.com/A6OoD4U.jpg] - Plasma Crossbow:[/url] A massive plasma crossbow, requires to be unfolded and positioned appropriately for use. The crossbow can fire different rounds, including piercing plasma bolts, a grappling hook/zipwire bolt, and titanium-wire net shots. Lighter than the cannon, but still cumbersome and requires more time to aim, load and fire. [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tN6QBQxpuqk/UEOqJzRtPPI/AAAAAAAAAWM/jVMSI9E8UWI/s1600/chainsword.jpg]- Chainsword:[/url] A two-handed weapon that doesn’t need the power armour to carry. Suitably bloodstained and easy to repair, this gory melee weapon has become Brooks’ steadfast and loyal companion throughout the years. [url=http://i.imgur.com/QElA8OO.png] - Light Armour:[/url] The armour Brooks wears within the suit. Obviously doesn’t offer as much protection as his power armour, but still practical and lightweight for easy manoeuvrability. [/hider]