The laughter in the room slowly died down. It was being replaced by a curious silence. The pair were far more adept at dancing than they previously let on. To the point where murmurs started to circulate. Murmurs about the possibility of the previous attempts a dance being merely a joke played on the crowd. But the murmurs themselves were quiet, short, and few in number. The crowd was dying to see what was gonna happen next. [color=orange]"That's it Corinne! You're getting it! You're a natural!"[/color] Rolo complimented. He still whispered, so only Corinne could hear. Maybe, Rolo thought to himself, they were gonna pull it off after all. Both his reputation and his date could still be saved, it seemed. [color=orange]"Alright, now let's go a little faster."[/color] urged Rolo. Feeling confident that Corinne had mastered the basic footwork of the Charleston, he began to increase his speed. Not too fast so as to allow Corinne to keep in sync. Fast enough though, for the sake of aesthetics. [color=orange]"Now do this with your arms. It's real easy."[/color] instructed Rolo. Rolo allowed his arms hang. From this position Rolo begun to swing his arms from left to right. All the while maintaining his dance steps. The effect was the classic solo Charleston. Rolo was confident that Corinne could follow along and truly nail this dance. He began to smile gleefully, he was genuinely having fun.