[hr][center][h2][color=00aeef]Jonathan Walker[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Jonathan quickly shrugged off his jacket and rolled his sleeves up. He'd forgotten to do so earlier, and it'd just get in the way of lifting properly if he didn't. As he and Alexei spoke, he focused on doing triples at each weight moving up to his maximum. Looking like a perfect sculpture wasn't something that interested him so much as gaining actual, useable strength, so low repetitions at high weight suited him perfectly. [color=00aeef]"Effort isn't everything, though. We can reach out and reach out and keep being pushed away. I really just want to make everyone feel welcome here, make them know that almost everyone supports them. But..."[/color] He strained as he pushed up the bar, flushing his face a deep shade of scarlet. With a soft rattle and a sharp clang, he racked the bar again and sat up before continuing. [color=00aeef]"...Everyone's different. Like, talking to Ryuuto is easier for me than talking to Hondo or Kasuke."[/color] His mind flashed to Hondo's constant grumbling and complaints, and to how Mina had stormed off after he thought they'd had a good time, and he almost fumbled the plate he was putting onto the right side of the bar. Not the most pleasant thoughts - less fun than getting punched in the face somehow, but he figured that was just his borderline masochism talking. [color=00aeef]"I guess just trying to be nice and welcoming is all I can do, though. Just gotta keep pushing forwards like with this bar."[/color] [b]Clang.[/b] The weights were on again, and he swiftly finished off his routine. The bar coming down was getting hard on his elbows and sternum at this point, so three hundred and eighty pounds was his limit for the day. Should be able to get back up to four hundred after a week or two, though. With that part finished, he'd move on to the machines, which were safe enough to use without a spotter so long as one followed the instructions. Leg day would wait for tomorrow. [@Mercurial] [hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] The end of the game, huh? And... It was [i]his[/i] fault, right? [i]What. The. Fuck. Don't call off the game just because I took a cheap shot to the groin, I have a game to win![/i], he thought to himself. At least, until Hana appeared with the flag. He had been too busy eating grass to notice his own team doing anything, and the humiliation of being downed so easily led to him, ahem, retconning his involvement in the flag capture. And retconning his knowledge of his team's composition. So, he turned to the quiet girl and sang his self-serving praises like any good 'team captain' would. [color=f26522]"I... guess my strategy worked, then. Good job getting the flag, Hana. I knew I could count on you."[/color] He had no interest in continuing the conversation, and turned to leave, only to find himself staring at some sort of bloblike creature in a night gown dragging an axe behind her. Brock's stomach dropped. [@tipssyCalibrator][@Yuuta] [hr][center][h2][color=92278f]Daler Ghumman[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [color=92278f]"I can ask Asa later about the official policy, but I don't see any problem with you at the least [i]considering[/i] Miss Meilin Hua a mentor figure,"[/color] Daler said, answering both Mina and Roy's question in one go. Meilin or Mina could tell the boy what the class was, since Daler couldn't be bothered with it. Mina's partially obfuscated mental storm was a little more worrisome to him, and since he got most of the idea, he felt he had to address it. [color=92278f][i]Kasuke, you already know my confidentiality policies from our work together during detentions. You are truthful, hardworking, intelligent, and driven, and there's nothing wrong with any of that. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll just suggest this: think in pictures if you want to keep something private. I can no longer stop listening no matter how hard I try,[/i][/color] he thought towards the girl. Hopefully she'd be put a little more at-ease by that. [@Silver Carrot][@pkken][@13org] [hr][center][h2][color=c4df9b]Alexis Cartwright[/color][/h2][/center][hr] The doctor had finally arrived at the apparent scene of the commotion. Daler hadn't given her any details, and she suspected there was some ulterior motive behind him kicking her out of bed, seeing as there weren't any half-dead students or heads rolling around on the field. Last year, she'd had to reattach someone's leg. This time around, nobody looked even [i]remotely[/i] hurt. [color=c4df9b]"Alright Asa -- who's been hurt, and are they hurt enough to need immediate intervention or can I go back to bed?"[/color] The axe shifted slightly in Cartwright's hands, and Brock suddenly found his groin feeling [i]much[/i] better. The prospect of being in even more pain just wasn't that appealing. [@tipssyCalibrator][@Yuuta]