[center][h3][color=aba000]Alexander Shields[/color][/h3][/center] '[color=aba000][i]Well this turned ugly fast. Then again, what did anyone expect when you put Beaconites and Beastlies together in the same group?[/i][/color]' Alexander mused, not at all surprised how things had turned out '[color=f7941d][i]Beastlies? I haven't heard that term before.[/i][/color]' A voice in his head spoke out. '[color=aba000][i]Well calling them monsters sounds kinda demeaning, especially after seeing members of Beacon. So I decided that Beastlies sounded a lot better.[/i][/color]' Alexander responded. Seconds later, his brain finally recognized what hearing that voice meant '[color=aba000][i]oh great...you're back. I thought you were busy with your new TV Sol?[/i][/color]' '[color=f7941d][i]Oh I was, but then I discovered something truly fascinating; something you humans call Reality TV[/i][/color]' The now identified Sol Invictus explained '[color=f7941d][i]I happened upon it when I found reruns, whatever that means, of a show called [u]Jersey Shore[/u][/i][/color]' Alexander panicked '[color=aba000][i]you just found out about reality TV...fuck. I know I'm not the best person to speak in defense of humanity; but please don't cleanse the earth of us with sunfire.[/i][/color]' Sol just laughed at his champion '[color=f7941d][i]'cleanse the earth' he says. Your a funny boy Alexander Shields[/i][/color]' '[color=aba000][i]That reminds me; why Shields?[/i][/color]' '[color=f7941d][i]Why Shields what?[/i][/color]' '[color=aba000][i]I mean why did you decided that my last name was going to be Shields of all things? Isn't it a bit on the nose?[/i][/color]' '[color=f7941d][i]Of course it is, that's the point! To boldly declare to the world your power![/i][/color]' Alexander mentally facepalmed '[color=aba000][i]right, of course, that makes perfect sense[/i][/color]' he thought with all the sarcasm he could muster (which was a lot). '[color=aba000][i]Look, just because-[/i][/color]' but he when Lily grabbed his wrist "[color=fff200]Hey Alex, let's try and talk to those girls. Maybe we could join their group![/color]" '[color=f7941d][i]Bwahahahaha! That lady friend of your's has quite the spirit. I can see why you're so infatuated with her[/i][/color]' It was at this point that Alexander was [i]very[/i] glad that his outfit came with a mask '[color=aba000]What!? Shut up you stupid god. Lily...Lily's just a friend.[/color]' '[color=f7941d][i]Oh of course she is. But why else would...hang on, what's this? [u]Adventure Time[/u]? Now that sounds promising. Sorry to cut our little talk short Alexander, but this TV thing has such a wealth of wonder to find[/i][/color]' Sol left Alexander's mind after that, much to his relief. Once Lily had dragged him over to one of the girls, she started talking "[color=fff200]Hey there! Name's Lily Lightning, but my friends call me Lily. This is Alex[/color]" He held up his hand in a silent greeting "[color=fff200]You gals are friends with the skimpy girl, right? Would you mind if we joined our forces? I can provide ranged assistance with my thunder bow, and Alex here is all about protection and healing. I think we would make a good team![/color]" "[color=aba000]Lily, don't you think you're moving a little fast? We don't even know each other[/color]" Turning to the other girl, he said "[color=aba000]I'm sorry about my friend here. Lily means well, but she can get a little over enthusiastic, and keeping her grounded[/color] ([color=f7941d]wordplay![/color]) [color=aba000]is a full time job. If we're bothering you, we can leave.[/color]"