[hider=My Hider] [center]Name: Ronald "Roav" Avery Age: 18 Gender: male Personality: Ronald prides himself on being as sneaky, attentive, and cunning as possible. And, of course, he is, thinking up plans on ths fly, which usually involves complexly conning someone or just outright tricking them. He's not a prankster, though, seeing petty tricks that benefit no one as beneath him. Beyond that, he's very honorable- a "steal from the rich and give to the poor" kinda guy, though replace rich with, though his interpretation on this varies. Somedays he'll steal from the evil, no matter how much money they have. So long as someone who deserves it benefits, at the end of the day it doesn't matter who he cons. Despite his overly calm nature, he tends to break under intense pressure, falling to pieces if there's a battle he can't- or thinks he can't- plan his way out of. Backstory: Ronald was a frail, and sickly when he was young, bedridden for days at a time because he was almost unable to move without barfing- not that it mattered because he barely had the energy to move. Needless to say, he was a miserable kid. To cheer him up, his father learned some sleight of hand tricks, ranging from pulling a rabbit from his hat to making a deck of cards disappear. Ronald was completely enamored with these tricks, and his mood did a complete 180°. Not long after, he miraculously started to get better and, once he did, learned the tricks from his father, as well as some other cheap tricks he learned online. But what was a boy to do with such useless knowledge? Con the rich and corrupted by posing as a psychic selling disturbingly accurate fortunes, gleamed by researching his current victim at the time as extensively as possible and hoping his victim doesn't figure out you can just google or ask around town and make an educated guess on what'll happen to them next. Sell cheap trinkets that supposedly bring good health and a number of other things. Host private magic shows, then have some friends steal wallets and whatever else and replacing them once they're empty. And then sending whatever money he got to charities. It wasn't until a year ago that his channeler powers kicked in, and he got invited to the institute, leaving his old conman life behind and hoping to start a new one. Appearance: 5'8 half-asian, half-caucasian male with a skinny build. Ronald has black hair, brown eyes, a round face with a sturdy chin, and slightly pointed nose. He wears a black suit jacket over a red silk shirt, and black slacks. The jacket always has the middle button buttoned. On his head he wears a short magician tophat. A cloth sunflower is pinned to the left breast of his jacket, while a metal sunflower is pinned to his hat. His shoes, black loafers, also have sunflowers on them, as do his jacket cuffs. Equipment: Handkerchiefs hidden up his sleeve, a smart-phone, a deck of tarot cards in his pocket, and a backpack filed with books, several packs of gum, pens and pencils, and also various school notes are his normal equipment. For school events and fights he knows he's going to, he ditches the backpack and takes a butterfly knife, if allowed. Abilities: Ronald is extremely attentive, picking up many more details than a normal person. He's not particularly athletic, but makes up for it with his constantly thinking brain, which thinks up plans for him on the fly. Ronald is also extremely talented at sleight of hand tricks, similarly to Joseph Joestar. Finally, he possesses quick reflexes, almost akin to a martial arts master. Channeller category: Alternative Description of power: Ronald manifests his willpower and psyche as a figure he calls a "stand." As of right now, his stand can't do much of anything, except react to threats as Ronald notices them, and sometimes even beford he notices him, and act for Ronald. Later on, Ronald's stand (dubbed Wayward Son) should be able to manifest two guns, which draw in rocks and dust with a vacuum and shoot the compressed material out like bullets. Names/descriptions of moves: •Wayward Son: Ronald calling upon his stand. As it can't do much, he only has one other move at this point. •Carry On: Ronald using Wayward Son to directly attack his opponent with its fists and feet, while Ronald goes in to stab them. •Dust Shot: Once Wayward Son manifests his guns, he uses their vacuum to pull up dust and small rocks to form bullets. •Air Shot: Pulling large amounts of air, Wayward Son fires out several bursts of air which, while not lethal, could still break a few bones. Character theme song: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2X_2IdybTV0]Carry On Wayward Son[/url] Other: Wayward Son is a blue-ish humanoid around Ronald's height, wearing a red and dark blue plaid shirt, a straw hat (with a sunflower on it, of course), and burlap pants. [/center] [/hider]