[@Scio] True, trying to figure out what else could restrict him would be bit hard besides the massive mental affect, even if it's just wild animals/creatures they are technically Sentient. here is a list of other ideas, including an alternate version of the summoning that relies on having a phyiscal object. These are also just base ideas, they don't all have the draw backs/restrictions yet. [hider=Quirk Ideas] [Hider=Gaming Body] This quirk the user's body becomes like a video game character, allowing it to be very moldable and he can become stronger simply by increasing stat points he gains from doing specific activities, being able to recover slightly faster since he simply has to wait for a number to fill, he can use those points instead to gain knowledge in certain categories by spending some of those points, or use these to gain skills. Normally anyways. (kind of based off another manga's series' main character called The Gamer) [/hider] [hider=Blood] this quirk would be based on control over blood, specifically his own allowing him to manipulate it and create weapons of blood among other things, he can't control other people's blood unless they mix with his own. [/hider] [Hider=Gaming Summon] Similar to summoning but he requires a physical game system like a portable for the easiest option, and depending on the game he has in it, he can call things from that game as long as the game has enough power, when ever he does though it drains more power from the system. The power entirely dependent on having a game with him and a system with power [/hider] [hider=Lightning] Quirk ability to generate lightning throughout his body like Shouto can do ice and fire. The lightning can be used to directly strike out, boost his speed, enhance a metal weapon, or even his own strikes. Overuse would start making his body overly Numb to where he could lose all motor control if he over uses the ability to much. (thinking maybe making this Lightning and Earth but dual element like shouto might be bit to much) [/hider] [/hider]