"Heh... t´was nothing but the normal exertion that comes with tearing a small hole in the materium." Adrianne chuckled with a tired tone as she nodded towards Solares, slowly staggering as she stood back up. However, as she looked at the rest, Adrianne had to admit that she felt genuinely surprised to see what might be interpreted as concern from the Sisters of Battle. Not the usual concern that she; Adrianne herself; might suddenly and violently turn into a rift in the warp and a gateway for deamons, but that she as the person might be injured! To say the least; it caught Adrianne off guard; causing her to stand still and simply watch them for a moment, the surprise on her face only hidden by her skull mask. "But... thanks." For a moment, she felt a little light headed; which she allowed herself to believe that, even for just a moment, perhaps it was because of the new treatment. But in most actuality, it was from her recent physical and mental exertion. Feared, despised; or both. Those were usually the two attitudes that characterised her interaction with the ´normal´ people of the Imperium. At best, people who knew her powers simply feared her, staying a respectful distance away from her as if she was if she was simply a dangerous natural phenomenon or storm; at at worst, people despised her, but usually feared her too much to do anything about it. [i]"These are strange times indeed, Adrianne... " [/i] "We all serve to protect the Emperor and his Imperium in our duty, and those who share in that duty will also always warrant our protection. Nodding towards the guardsman and his comment, Adrianne suddenly noticed the small questions arising between Ansgar and the sisters. As odd; and perhaps even as fun; it was to see others vie for her well-being, Adrianne decided to step in; raising an armored glove to look at them. "I am fine, but thank you all. I am tired but unharmed; I need but some water and a nutrient bar before our next move." She said with a reassuring and lighter tone(or as light as it could sound through the metallic voice box on her skull helmet), before adding with some dark humour at the end. "If one of the traitor's bolter weapons had breached my defences, I doubt there would remain much to patch up anyway, heh." Although her body ached and there was a painful but slowly diminishing throb in her brain, Adrianne knew she was otherwise fine. She had exerted herself physically and mentally, but fortunately; or perhaps because of her exertion; she had remained unharmed in the end!