[color=orange]"Not yet, let's keep going until the song ends."[/color] replied Rolo. It was surprising how quickly and how naturally Corinne learned how to dance. Almost like she was born to do it. With some improvised spins and twirls thrown in, they were really cutting the rug. They actually did look like the knew what they were doing. A cheer began to rise from the crowd, mixed with whistles and shouts of encouragement. [color=violet]"Who knew that the big fella could dance?"[/color] asked Switch. "Aww, you jealous?" teased Cynthia. The girl that slapped Switch in school earlier in the week. [color=violet]"With you baby, I ain't jealous of nothin."[/color] replied Switch. She not so much as kissed him as she violently pounced on him. The pair made their way off the dance floor without a hitch. Remaining unnoticed by most. [color=turquoise]"Wow"[/color] said Divo. "She does that with a lot of guys. Me? I like to enjoy my men just a little while longer." said Miranda. The rather suggestive wink she gave Divo made it plainly clear what she meant by enjoy. [color=turquoise]"Wouldn't have it any other way babe."[/color] replied Divo. Finally, the song ends. Rolo and Corinnes dance ends in thunderous applause. Even the band itself was applauding them. In that moment, they were the coolest people in the house. [color=lime]"That was amazing Rolo!"[/color] exclaimed Chet. "Who knew a big fella like you could be so smooth." said the girl in the white dress with red polka dots. [color=lime]"This is Kirsten, a real cool chick."[/color] Chet introduced. [color=lime]"You were great out there Corinne! I mean wow!"[/color] enthused Chet.