Freyja was visibly annoyed with Brock's response to her chastisement. And so, when she replied with "You didn't even aim it at her! You aimed it at the ninja! It wasn't self defense!", she did so with a scowl on her face. At times like these, she wished she had Mako's abilities to put fear in her students. And speaking of Mako, she would be perfect to handle him, she thought. He seemed to be the kind of student who didn't really give any respect to his teachers. Mako should be able to break that ego of his a little. Suddenly, he jerked his hand off of her grasp, before firing another heat wave towards Akiko. Luckily, it simply fizzled away, thanks to his weakened state. OF course, this made Freyja even angrier. "Freyja, if your intent is to mete out punishments, I suggest keeping those two separate for now. Mako can deal with the girl. Given his outburst, I'll take the boy myself later." She was about to give Brock some more tongue lashing before Daler interrupted her telephatically. It seemed he offered himself to deal with the boy, while the girl could go to Mako. "Very well, I shall entrust him to you," she replied back by just thinking about it, knowing that Daler would be listening to her thoughts. She was then interrupted by another teacher, this time it was Dr. Maxwell. He expressed his displeasure that she had stopped the fight when it was just getting to the good part. She couldn't believe this guy. He really put forward his research over the wellbeing of the students, it seemed. "We've already seen enough," she replied back via her own small microphone. "And you will have more chances to observe them in detail once they have their classes. No need to take a risk by allowing them to battle freely, especially when they just arrived and they still didn't have good control of their abilities." After that, Asa rushed to the field and announced that the match was over. Freyja sighed. The entire thing seemed to have ended in a failure. ...Or not, as one of the students came forward and showed the flag on her hand. She had sneaked by and stole the flag while everyone else was focused on the incident. Freyja immediately put both of her hands to stifle her giggle, which soon turned into a laugh. She simply couldn't help herself. She found the situation really funny as it came out of the left field. She had caught her off guard entirely. "A-apologies," she said once she regained her composure, coughing a little to put her dignified look as a teacher back, "I too did not notice you stealing the flag. Let this be a proof that not every fight is about who's stronger. Anyone can be clever enough to put the stronger opponent at a disadvantage even though they're weaker themselves." She smiled at the girl. As an architect, she had a firm belief that brains trump over brawns and she was glad that she had proven it to everyone present. And she was even happier when she saw her pupil Ryuuto approaching her and introducing himself to her. He also saw the worth of her cleverness, it seemed. "Alright Asa -- who's been hurt, and are they hurt enough to need immediate intervention or can I go back to bed?" Freyja turned around to see that Alexis had made her entrance. As usual, she was an odd one, but she was the best healer that she ever knew. Knowing how often fights broke out in the institute, a person with skills like her was an absolute necessity for sure. Asa explained to her about Brock's wound. She glanced at the boy, noticing his horrified expression. She couldn't help but to smile a little at that. [@Yuuta][@tipssyCalibrator][@Azereiah]