[quote=@Cyclone] [@Murtox] Here's the promised rerolls [hider Rolls 28] [h3]Rolls[/h3] [b]Basic Demographics & Geography[/b] [u]Territory Size:[/u] 11. You've got a real big swamp, but fortunately it's only 'bout two inches to yer sister's bed [u]Population:[/u] About 50. Your people lack the traditional number of grandparents [u]Urbanization:[/u] 11. You live out in the COUNTRY unlike those damn city-dwellin' liberals [u]Government Type:[/u] 11. Your populace turns to Fox News for guidance. [u]Political Stability:[/u] 11. The South will rise again! [b]Economy[/b] [u]Overall Wealth:[/u] 11. Ain't got too many bucks but you do have a Chevy, a John Deere, and a shotgun [u]Government's Primary Means of Generating Income:[/u] 11. Welfare [u]Technology:[/u] 11. Yer workin' on gettin' some o' dat indoor plumbin' after ole Jimmy clogged the old toilet [u]Agriculture:[/u] 11. Out here in the bayous you eat, hunt, piss, and drink friggin' crocodile. Dem scaly bastards sure taste good with a lil' butter. Something about their meat seems to make your peoples' necks turn red, though. Probably China's fault [u]Natural Resources:[/u] Farm "equipment", shotguns, alligator meat, alligator leather, alligator-claw keychains, moonshine, Trump hats, Confederate flags made in China, used dip [b]Military[/b] [u]Military Size[/u] 11. Your neighborhood's got two shotguns and 10 brain cells [u]Military Focus[/u] 11. Strong emphasis on running them over in your Chevy truck [u]Military Leadership[/u] 11. Your cousin Billy Bob Ray killed his daughter's boyfriend with a shotgun so he's in charge now [u]Military Reputation[/u] 11. Considered too close to be family by family[/hider] [/quote] [hider=Only Appropriate Reaction] [img]https://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/trump-cheerleder-anime.gif[/img] [/hider]