[@olcharlieboi] What I meant was that Lightning and Electricity are kind of different things all together. Just wanted to make sure which one you wanted to use. Given the sheer power of lightning, those restrictions are pretty good. As for Blood, basing it on the few panels Blood Lord had, after he uses the blood, he tends to call it back. He seems to have some sort of reservoir that he pools blood in. Looks like it was from his glove. Might suggest that he doesn't can't tap into a massive reserve of blood or create enough to just start shooting blood out like crazy. He also has tubing on his outfit, which probably acts as the main source of the blood he uses. Maybe it has some sort of syringe on the other end so that he doesn't need to repeated create access points for his blood. I guess the worse side-effect of his ability would be self-induced anemia and maybe hypovolemic shock. [@Demous] Definitely enough room! Feel free to share the concept you plan to go with.