[center][color=f4a460][h1]Declan Ray Terry [/h1][/color] [img] http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m45tuiiOlF1rre54to1_400.jpg [/img] [h3][i]"This life is a flame. A sudden spark, a bright flame, then a simmer down to smoke. The point is to make sure your flame is the brightest of all” [/i][/h3][/center] [ hr][ hr] [color=f4a460][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Declan Ray Terry [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Nickname[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Dec [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Faction [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Muse [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Rank[/u][/b][/color] [indent] The Renaissance's Right-hand [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]27 [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Crime[/u][/b][/color] [indent] 1. Possession of illegal substances with intention to sell 2. Possession of Class-D wildlife with intention to sell 3. Possession of Class-C seeds with intention to sell 4. Battery that resulted in lost of limb [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Reputation[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Declan has the reputation of being a very, very good friend. If you need anything, Declan is the person to know. He has a knack for getting you anything you want or need. He can introduce you to the right people, give you rare items, and make you feel as though you are the most important person in the world. That is what friends do for each other after all. He is also known for not having enemies, at least…not for very long. Lookswise, he is well know for the elaborate masks he wears. Changing them almost weekly and ranging from thick, full faced and elaborately painted to gapping, artfully twisted wire that does nothing to hide his face. [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Height [/u][/b][/color] [indent]6'2"[/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Weight [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 180 pounds [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Appearance [/u][/b][/color] [indent] Declan is a tad on the tall side, at 6'1, at least for a Muse. He has nothing compared to the blokes from Vanguard or the Overseers. His features are indistinct, the type of person from a family who didn't keep track, nor did they aim to breed with any particular race. His eyes are dark brown, warm in appearance. Hair is also dark brown and always purposely styled. A trait he is known for is the elaborate and ever changing masks that he wears. Rarely wearing the same one twice, with the exception of 'holiday' masks that he wears 'traditionally'. His outfits are kept simple, although clean and looking new to the best of his ability. [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Positive Traits:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Clever- While he isn't smart in the way that The Masterminds are, what he does know about, he know very well. Mostly about the value of desires and the power of addiction. [*] Talented- As with all Muses, he isn't without his share of talents in the artistic faction. He is, above all else, an entertainer and an actor. His sculpting and dancing aren't anything to sneer at either. [*] Hardworking- When he is dedicated to something, he will follow it where ever it might take him. [*] Clear Minded- Declan is able to see new situations from every angle and is generally open to new ideas that will help him reach his goals. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Negative Traits:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Narcissistic- At his very core, Declan wants to be looked at and admired. As a true actor, the attention of the crowed is his nector. He doesn't enjoy being around people, he needs them. This is also his downfall as he doesn't do anonymously and needs to be given credit for everything that he does. No matter how much better off everyone would be if he didn't. [*] Easily Offended- While he is open to everything and everyone, very small things can get people kicked to his shit list. Which is a place nobody wants to be. [*] Overly vengeful- People who end up on his shit-list don't tend to last very long. Even for small 'crimes' and 'offensives'. [*] Self Orientated - See Narcissistic trait. Even though he gives and gives, he expects your attention in return. He doesn't do well when someone is getting more attention than himself. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Personality Description[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Declan is a charmer, with a strategy very similar to most psychopaths, he strives to make everyone he speaks to feel important and valued. After all, sugar catches more flies than vinegar. It is his power, to draw attention to others, and therefor, himself. If the whole room focuses on what he focuses on, then they lose focus just as easily when he does. Despite this, he isn't strictly a bad person. He just has a very self-centered sense of right and wrong. Declan first, then the rest of the world. He doesn't agree with murder, but if someone is making things difficult, well...what must be done must be done. At his core, he is only human after all, and his actions are only that. You'll never see him playing the hero when there is a real threat towards him. While he is prone to go after those who have offended him, he keeps it very personal. He always sees someone as an individual and never one to let his actions effect bystanders. Because of this mind set, he never uses family names when addressing someone, always their first, given name. Rarely nicknames unless they are a shorten form of the formal given name. [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Quirks[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Tactile- He always needs to be touching or holding something. Not that he fidgets, but always has something in hand. Unless there is a person nearby. The he'll naturally try to touch them, a hand shake, arm around the shoulder, or similar. Only a person who has a clear 'don't touch' aura would be able to put him off. [*] A like for the finer things- He is as posh as someone can be. He'd rather do with a few amazing bites of food than a large meal of 'okay' food. Granted, life has not really allowed him to be truly picky. [*] Raises eyebrows when offended- Most people never know that they've offended him. Really, the only sign he'll give is a flick of the eyebrow, into an almost concerned look, sometimes it is followed by a dismissal, but usually people are unaware till he seeks his vengeance. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Specialties [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Master Sculpture- He isn't an artist with a brush, but with a chisel. Marble, glass, wood, all of it seems to bend itself to his will. [*] Actor- The trait of a muse, one that does him well in life. [*] Weever- Not of cloth (although he isn't half bad at that) no, of favors, bribes. He always knows just what to offer and what to withhold, in order to get what he wants. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]No sense of weaknesses- with being a bit of a narcissist, albeit a subtle one, he is totally unaware of his own short comings. [*] Not a fighter- In a head to head with males (and females) from the 'stronger' factions, he will lose. He tries to compensate be being more backstabby and subtle when he must fight. He isn't afraid to fight dirty. [*] Artistic Mind Set- Above all else, he is an artist. Coming with that, he does tend to become very focused on his art and nothing else when he is feeling 'inspired'. [*] Vain- Probably cares a tad too much about how he looks. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Inventory[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Huge selection of masks, or rather, the same ever changing 4 masks. [*] Seeds [*] Oils for every occasion (some deadly, some healing, some simply for smell) [*] Tool set [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Fears [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Being alone- He cannot survive without an audience. [*] Being forgotten- If he doesn't leave his mark, what was the point of his life at all. [*] Losing control- He controls the crowd, not the other way around. [/list][/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Secret(s)[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Declan has a well hidden garden full of many plants he has gathered. Each has a different purpose and some are more benevolent, but there are plenty of recreational and deadly in there as well. Some of the plants are either not native to area or have gone extinct and he wants to be in control of the inventory. [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]Goal(s)[/u][/b][/color] [indent]His goal throughout his life has always been the same. To be important, to be in control and, when he has passed, to be remembered. And, regardless of what type of dog pile occurs, he aims to be sitting somewhere towards the top. [/indent] [color=f4a460][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Declan came from a very large, messy, family. His parents, along with most other people he grew up around, weren't big on monogamy. If you asked him, he had 6 brothers and sisters, and 14 half brothers and sisters, six of whom were his aunts as well, and 36 step brothers and sisters. His cousins and extended family looking much the same. People never staying together, but also never leaving. With so many people around, it was difficult to get attention, and one often had to go to great lengths to get it. His family also had another reason for being so large and unreleasing. They were a large part of what was the equivalent of the 'Black Market'. They weren't so tied up in the war section of it all, although they did have friends in arms deals. They were more focused on the luxury of it. Obtaining rare herbs, medicines, the occasional body parts. Animal furs and unusual pets. Any thing some one wanted, his family had a way of getting. It also only stayed in the family. The only way out of the 'family business' was death. So even those who didn't deal strictly in the process or who had other interests were still kept close and 'encouraged' to use their talents to better the family in some other way. It was an almost fail safe method of keeping the family safe. When a part of the family was discovered, they needed a scape goat and Declan drew the short straw. Or, rather, he was the only one who would be able to weave the lie needed to make sure that the family didn't get taken down with him. So he did, if only for the infamy that would follow him till death in the family. Thus, he landed himself in the penal colony at the age of 24. He quickly found his calling in the Renaissance's and rose to the right-hand in just three short years. He follows under Iseabal MacGilios happily, never wanting the restrictions the top job would place on him. In fact, he already has is eye on four possible replacements of her should this marriage of hers start going south. He met Iseabal on his travels to the penal colony and recognize her talent early. After the her run in with the Overseer, the two of banded together rose through the ranks of Muses until Iseabel challenged the Renaissance and won. Landing Declan a comfortable spot as her Right-Hand. He is among the few to know how deep her madness truly runs and has been using some of the plants in his garden to mask her symptoms when it becomes necessary. Declan watches Is's up coming marriage with a cautious eye, content to watch it play out. For now. [/indent]