[@Scio] Will say have been looking up any site with blood manipulation related power(s) to get ideas of what he could do currently and ideas for when he improves, a lot more things out there than I thought lol. [hider=Blood Quirk User] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/79/35/6879355d92d2e9998b62a4cdc2870b7d.jpg[/img][/center] Name: McCloud, Charles Age: 14 Gender: Male History: Charles' natural hair color use to be black, and his eye color use to be blue. But when his Quirk awoke both his hair and his eyes turned a crimson red color, the same color as blood. He was sometimes ridiculed when it was discovered his ability involved blood, while other times he was praised. It has caused him much confusion turning him slightly shy and rash at the same time. He doesn't have many goals because of this, he spent his extra time practicing and learning martial arts though he would never stuck to a single one, once he got bored he would go to a different kind. Quirk: Blood Manipulation - this quirk is be based on control over blood, specifically his own allowing him to manipulate it in verity of ways, including creating weapons of blood among other things, he can't control other people's blood unless they mix with his own, if he uses to much of his own blood at once would cause self-induced anemia and hypovolemic shock at worse case scenarios. Other Talents: a very miss matched fighting style. [/hider]