Omega: from past groups I've DM'd for I've notice this- you may not always have use/need for Jump Pack, but you always have use for a big gun. Ollumhammersong: If you want to know more about Chapter Specific powers PM me and I'll look it up. Everyone else: If you have started the Character Creation process AND have access to the Core may go ahead and finish spending your starting XP on Stats/Skills/Abilities/Powers ect. DO NOT: Roll for Past Event, Roll for Power Armour/History. Some of your RP may have an effect on this. GEAR: Everyone starts as a Deathwatch Recruit. You are issued x1 Close Combat Knife, x1 Bolt Pistol, x1 Boltgun, Codex, Grey Deathwatch Jumpsuit, Chapter Trapping Look at Arsefacetheugly's post for an updated example of your forum Character Sheet Quick Sheet.