[color=orange]"It's ok Corinne. Lets just go get ourselves a drink."[/color] soothed Rolo. [color=orange]"Sorry boss, Corinne just needs some space ya know. It's nothin personal."[/color] Rolo said to Chet. [color=lime]"Sure thing buddy."[/color] replied Chet. [color=orange]"It was lovely to meet you miss."[/color] said Rolo to Kirsten rather hastily. Rolo took Corinne off of the dance floor as quickly and as gracefully as he could. Trying not to barge through people. Not an easy task when the dance floor was as packed as it was. "Aww poor dear. She's so cute!" exclaimed Kirsten. [color=lime]"Baby you have no idea."[/color] replied Chet. The band then began to play a whole new [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h55wKByx7LI]song.[/url] They played with more enthusiasm than ever before. The lead singer sang in Russian this time around, which was indeed quite an interesting touch. The partygoers on the dance floor resumed their various dances with gusto. It seemed that Rolo and Corinnes performance breathed new life into the party. "That was amazing!" the bartender greeted them ecstatically. "You need a drink?" he asked.