'Very impressive,' Nuva allowed, nodding at the display of invisibility. 'I see you possess the capacity to create, or at least acquire magical artifacts. The Necklace of Regret is not exactly what I'm looking for, however. It's in a similar field, however.' And now, he wondered, how to word the next part of the transaction, so as to not make himself seem... well, he supposed there were humans who reached the sort of height a Skayleigh could. So maybe... 'You see, not many humans reach my particular height and build, which would make such a human quite distinctive if he was trying to avoid notice. That said, I'm sure you can guess that there are not many people with large chunks of metal attached to their arms either, but I'll get to that in a moment. On the other hand, whilst they rarely travel outside their homelands, the average Skayleigh regularly reaches such a size as a result of being half-giant.' No specific allusions to race, if the man listened carefully, but the implication that Nuva was simply a very tall and broad human ought to be taken nonetheless. 'So, what I'd like- perhaps not right now, but at some point in the future- is this: ideally a ring, but most forms of wearable accessory should suffice, that will cast an illusion over me, to disguise me as an average Skayleigh in my entirety, right down to the colour of my eyes.' Subtle coverage of a possible glamour failure there - no Skayleigh had glowing gold or silver eyes, after all. 'If possible, that illusion ought to also disguise my... weapon arm,' Nuva compromised, not willing to specifically claim "disfigurement" as a legitimate description of it. 'Perhaps to simply make the entire thing vanish, as if the arm was cut off at the elbow long ago? Though that might make it somewhat difficult to keep in check, come to think of it... if I could be allowed to see my own arm through the illusion, that'd be quite helpful. And if you have a better suggestion, I'd like to hear it. 'Having said that, I understand such an object might take time to create. I also understand that it might be... somewhat out of my present price range. I can likely gather the appropriate amount in due course, considering my circumstances, but just in case, I'd like to ask what the price bracket for such an item would be.' This would be the dangerous part - he might well just be driven out if he didn't have the funds, and it was hardly his place to argue the point as the would-be customer. And if that was so, he'd probably need to keep looking, and indeed might do so regardless, just in case he found a less pricey option.