[@rivaan] [@mnkee] [@morose] [@sigil] [@sputnik] Hey everyone, this is a little message that is getting dropped into all my Rp's to everyone. Right now, I am sure some of you have noticed I am getting a bit, how to put it, frustrated as of late? Yeah, that is a mild way of putting it. I've actually contemplated just shutting everything down and walking away. Yeah, thing is months back I had a family "incident" so I withdrew as much as possible to keep that from spilling over into RP. In the process of taking that step back, well there has been some back lash. A common problem has developed in most every RP and with a high percentage of the posts. Not just 1 problem but several. I am here to address those now before it gets any worse. 1) People not reading posts - This has got to stop. RP needs to be remembered to stand for as "Read" then "Post." Things are getting missed in IC and OOC. You need to read every post, whether you are part of it or not, or tagged or not. People are missing things as simple as where a character is. This shouldn't be the case at all. People are missing a lot more. What they or others are wearing, where they live, etc. 2) Characters acting "out of character." - I keep very close tabs on your characters personalities. So much in fact I pull of each of your character sheets and reread their personalities before I read each of your posts. Yes, there is such thing as character development but then there is just down right now following what you put down for your own character. I am seeing this happen a lot when someone has an end game for their character and then suddenly their character is acting like a different person. 3) Not following the rules. Now people are doing pretty good with keeping up with their counters, I am not having to remind people as much as I used to. (Granted, some of you I have honestly given up reminding. You are going to ride your counter to that last possible moment no matter what no matter how much I tag you. So not even bothering anymore.) But people are forgetting some of the rules. Things like no character sheet edits ever without permission from the GM granted before hand. Editing their posts without Gm approval before hand. Not posting the required min in RP (Which as a reminder is two well developed paragraphs. Not 1 paragraph, not two short ones.) So... What to do about this? Well we are going to get back on track. This is your "friendly" reminder. I had a much more bitchy one typed up but I figured I would try to go easy one last time. (After this, no holding back full Evil Overlord GM will come out. Those that have seen her can attest she is worse than LLA on a Tirade.) I want everyone to take the time to reread the rules, reread the Guide To RP Etiquette. I need you all to make sure to read all the IC and OOC posts before you post. (That means even 1 second before you post make sure to do a quick refresh to see if anything was posted before you hit enter.) If you need an edit, you ask first. Keep your characters in character. Pull up your own character sheets and reacquaint yourself with their personalities. Most of us run a crap ton of characters in many Rps, it is easy to mix them up. So do yourself a favor and just take five minutes to reread that little section. What's gonna happen if we don't get back on track? I'm just gonna go full Evil GM overlord and boot people. It's really that simple. The rules were agreed to when you entered, so that is on you. Also, I want to take this time to let you in on a little secret. I have a file on each of you. Every time you do something good or bad, it gets put down in it. I have down every time a post was awesome, every time you picked up on clue, every time you didn't read a post before posting. Heck I have every time you posted a "why" you are behind or asked for an extension. Do you know I have had at least 1 Rper try to convince me that the same grandmother died - TWICE - A month apart?!?!?! Seriously..... ~shakes her damn head~ As your GM it is my job to make sure things run smoothly, that everyone is involved, and the story progresses. I'm trying, I really am. I need your help to keep things running smoothly. I'm like your RP Mommy. Mommy is trying to keep the house in order but if you keep breaking shit... Well, no more time outs. I'm just gonna start dragging y'all behind the woodshed and whoopin' much ass. >.> Again. This isn't a single problem by a single person in a single RP. If you are guilty of any of this - trust me you aren't the only one. So we are going to work together, get back on track, and hopefully things will smooth out. That about covers it. Back to your regularly scheduled RPing. ~Lady A P.S. Don't PM me about this. Seriously... I will gut you and I ain't even playing. Smart assed comments following this will result in a kick. I just really am down to zero fucks to give anymore. Upvote this post with a thank you or a like to let me know you have read it: laughs won't count. (You have 72 hours from this post to do so, not to will tell me you didn't read and will result in a boot. If you are in multiple Rp's I expect it to be acknowledged in each OOC) P.P.S. Yeah, and one more thing. I don't have to know every thing that is keeping you from posting. I stopped counting in the triple digits for some of you with the school or work is kicking my ass. (Hate to say it but school and/or work kicks all our asses. It isn't a new flash or an excuse.) And now I'm done. See you in RP.