Sarah/Moonlit Skyrim-Homeworld After the rush and excitement of the hunt was over with, Sarah was practically doing front flips and cartwheels around Proxy and Roman, barely acknowledging Ganandork when he appeared. She stuck close to the small group as she looked around the area, interrupted from her thoughts when Gan started to loot the decapitated body. "Ew can you not? ... but can you also give me some of the money or arrows?" Sarah turned towards her brother when they began talking about a clue. Her eyes widened as she knew that her brother had devoted much of his time to finding the first hint towards The Quest. She agreed to do whatever he wanted in regards to it so she quickly followed suit to the homeworld to see what their next move was. Upon arrival, she listened to him speaking but kept that towards the back of her mind as she focused on dressing casual. A simple white v neck and light blue jeans would do, along with some white Nike's and her hair put up into a bun. "This should be casual enough." Once she had closed her menu, she gave her undivided attention to the plan that was being made as to how they'd tackle the new adventure that was about to begin, accepting her brothers private chat invite quickly and giving him a reassuring look that she was in. "You know I'd never leave your side!" Her grin stretched from ear to ear and she gave him a quick thumbs up before turning to Proxy. "You'll be coming right? I can't do this without my partner in crime. Sorry Ro, Proxy is my partner in crime in Skyrim. Not you."