So I was thinking about playing a bit with Aztec history and culture, as well as its extremely rapid downfall. The idea is based on that the human sacrifice and bloodletting rituals in Aztec society was largely due to the majority of their clergy being vampires; vampires whose position of power and religious authority allowed them to thrive unlike any vampire society before or since. As the history nerds among you will be aware, it took no more than 2 years for the Aztec empire to crumble completely, after the arrival of Hernán Cortéz, the spanish conquistador, who in this story will be a vampire hunter! Take the role of Aztec, Spaniard, or some other character from the era, and play your part in this dark, unknown story, forgotten by the annals of history. This will be a free-form, campaign-driven roleplay divided into chapters, should the interest be high enough.