After checking the truck over for any overt signs of dysfunction Servác starts up the engine, and after nothing breaks begins attempting to visualize the route that will take do these instructions. He mouths the words as he reads them, not entirely comfortable with the written language, but he has no problems understanding it. Servác was caught out of his mental visualization of the route they would be taking by Josef's call. He watched to check and make sure of the Hauptmann's seating before shifting his bag into the passenger side seat as well as the standard issue weapons. Waiting, watching, and listening as the others boarded, or in the case of the other Slav arrive. Trying to ignore Karl's hammering and shouting, while waiting for the Hauptmann's signal and when given taking the Truck out to drive off on the known route. Servác makes an effort to ensure a distance between Varvara and his truck, having seen some of the awful things that become of vehicles which have gotten caught in with larger animals. Also partly because the beast probably didn't deserve that either, on second thought.