[color=orange]"Corinne! Wait!"[/color] Rolo called after her. Why did she run off like that!? She didn't look like she felt well. Maybe she got dizzy from the dance? Rolo was sweating quite a lot himself. That dance was more exercise than he's had in a long time. No, Rolo thought to himself, it's something else. "Here's your water little mis.." said the bartender. [color=orange]"Thanks man."[/color] Rolo replied hastily. Cutting the bartender off in mid speech. Rolo ran out of the clubhouse the same way Corinne left, taking her glass of water along with him. She looked like she needed it. Hopefully she wasn't sick, thought Rolo. He found Corinne, lying on the grass outside the club. Rolo began to panic. Did she take something!? Did someone slip something into her drink!? [color=orange]"Corinne baby! Wake up! Please don't be sick! Please don't do this to me!"[/color] cried Rolo. Tears were streaming down his face. Rolo was on the verge of blubbering like a baby but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about in the world was Corinne.