[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@TheWindel][@KoL][@Mega Birb][@Lucius Cypher][@Inner Demon][/center] [hr] Henry covered his eyes with his arm and ducked to try and avoid the blunt, protecting his Silver Eyes from any damage but burning up his left arm a lot. The ducked saved him from the sniper bullet and the same aimed at his neck, but there was no way he could've avoided the saws aiming for his legs. Henry collapsed onto the ground writhing in pain, letting loose a massive string of curses as he attempted to recreate his legs. The severed flesh sealed, but he just didn't have it in him to completely recreate his legs. He pushed himself up with his one good arm and looked towards Bastion as she attempted to free herself. Fucking Golden Eye bullshit. With his useless arm he motioned his finger across his throat towards her, which was the trigger for the second feature. Injecting concentrated demonic energy into her neck for either a slow and painful death or slow and painful demonic corruption. Once he triggered the collar he decided it was time to get the fuck out this forsaken wasteland known as Arcadia. Besides, the demons already won. Nobody else could live in this corrupting fog. Henry reached into a Gate and pulled out a small round orb that was quite useful. It had some long arcane name, but he just called it a GoHo-M. He crushed it in his fist and a flash of light overtook his form, causing him to teleport to his last "safe" location. Which in this case was the Throne Room of Hell. Safe was a relative term here. He looked around and moaned in pain very loudly, just to try and get someone's attention. He could probably use a potion, but why waste your resources when you can waste someone else's?