[s]Character Stage two. Abilities almost complete. Just need my last one.[/s] CS stage four. Now I just need to flush out the personality, polish the history, and add a Theme song. Oh, and get my abilities and item approved. [hider=Nador] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh40/narutosgirl1/Elves/AnimeElfGuy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Nador [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Hylian [b]Personality:[/b] Power hungry, willing to push up to (but never past) the limit, will always keep his word, WIP [b]Biography:[/b] Born an orphan (dad died to a monster attack, mom in childbirth), Was raised in a nice home, no trauma from parents death. Was tease by the village bully but it never really got to him, who cared about that loser's opinions? When twelve stumbled upon/was found by (he never new which) a skilled unorthodox mage. Mage had a powerful book, couldn't use fully. Village bully now had some power around town (money talks) and bared Nador from various things around town, picked on Nador actively, including minor beatings. Nador started training. Within a month it was obvious that Nador's abilities would surpass those of his teacher. Within a year he was learning from the book itself. His abilities grew enough to stand up to the bully, however, he still didn't care what the bully did, had enough wisdom to hide his abilities, and could now ignore the bullies beatings due to knowing the spell-trait Mystic Cloak. Age fourteen, Nador's teacher is found to be an unorthodox mage by the guards, however before his book could be found it was passed on to Nador, who had far surpassed his teacher by this point. His teacher was banished from the kingdom, and his remaining possessions were confiscated and destroyed. Nador left soon after and began to adventure, and study, elsewhere. Age sixteen, Nador's adventures accidentally result in harm befalling a village as he was attempting to gather a powerful new spell. Unaware of the damage caused to the village until the return, he then did what he could to fix his mistake. Afterwords he vowed to himself that he would never cause harm to others just to increase his own power. From then on Nador has explored the various realms and studied their magic. During his life he has had one or two visions about what might happen if Ganon were to ever win, and has studied the legends of time. In his studies, he has learned of both the Sheikah and of the Yiga, although not anything more then rumors, and their basic goals, but he knows of them. He has built a small network of people that he has learned from and helped that he can call on, including at least one in each major city. [u][b]-Stats-[/b][/u] [b]Health:[/b] 0/10 [b]Stamina:[/b] 0/10 [b]Magic:[/b] 10/10 [b]Hearts:[/b] 3 [b]Stamina:[/b] 15 [b]Magic:[/b] 115 [u][b]Feats[/b][/u] [list] [*][b]Ears of the Gods:[/b] They say a Hylian’s pointed ears mean they can hear the gods better. That has nothing to do with the trait though, Hylians are more attuned with magic and and are more skill-based warriors. They get one extra spell or technique. [*][b]Deep Well:[/b] As a master Mage Nador's magical energies replenish over time. ([color=0054a6]+5 per post[/color]) (Trait) [*][b]Mystic Cloak:[/b] As long as Nador is wearing some form of cloths, he is capable of maintaining a Magic body field around himself that absorbs damage. For every heart of damage Nador takes, he loses [color=0054a6]5 MP[/color]. If his magic is depleted then he takes damage as normal. (Spell-Trait) [*][b]Elemental Force:[/b] Nador pulls in an elemental energy within range, from either a environmental source or from a piece of equipment (his or someone else's), and changes it to a raw force of that element. Multiple elemental forces can be used at once in order to increase the power of this spell, however the more elements are put into the spell, the more wild it is, and the more likely it is to hit unintended targets. (Cost: [color=0054a6]10 MP[/color] for one element, [color=0054a6]+5 MP[/color] for each additional element)(Damage: [color=ed1c24]2 HP[/color] per Element to all targets in AoE)(AoE increased by the number of elements used)(Spell) [*][b]Orb:[/b] Creates and elemental Orb. This orb can be made from any element Nador is familiar with. Each orb counts as a single use elemental source. Only one orb may be made per post, and only three orbs may be active at one. The creation of the orb is instant, allowing for it to be summoned and used right away. Orbs available: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Stone, Shadow.(Spell) [*][b]Enchanter:[/b] Nador can enchant equipment, weapons, and armor. Increasing their capabilities. For weapons and armor, the degree of the effect is based on the base Item, up to a limit or one Heart of damage/defense per level of quality (0-4). For armor the effect last until the health has been used up, for weapons the effect last until the end of battle. Items will see an increase to their effect in some way, depending on the item. By consuming an elemental orb, Nador can also add an extra elemental effect for the duration. This only affects armor and weapons and does not increase the number of hearts. For weapons that weapon will deal elemental damage, while the armor will add a level of resistance to the element.([color=0054a6]15 MP[/color])(Spell) [*][b]Identify/Analyze:[/b] This spell allows it's user to identify an item, enemy, or spell; as well as it's abilities. ([color=0054a6]5 MP[/color])(Spell) [*][b]Magic mastery:[/b] Nador can push magical items to their limit. This expands on what he can do with any, magic items. (Different Items have different enhancements) [*][b]Elemental Manipulation:[/b] Nador can manipulate the environment with this spell. In order to do this Nador must first create multiple orbs of the element he wishes to move. The more orbs of the element he has summoned, the larger the effect can be. This ability requires some concentration and time.(Spell) [*][b]Magic Eater:[/b] Nador can, by expending a portion of magic equal to half of the magic used, 'consume' any magical force out there. Like eating a meal, this can be done in portions, or all at once. Note: magical Items and barriers are likely to slowly build their magic up over time depending on how they were made.([color=0054a6]Cost: Special[/color])(Spell) [*][b]Barrier Seal:[/b] By semi-permanently spending some of his magic power Nador can Seal a chest, door, window, or anything else that can be opened, or create a barrier in an open space, doorway, or around a location. The maximum size of the location/object that can be seal is about the same size as a large warehouse or small castle, about 500K cubic feat. However, there is no minimal size. The strength of the barrier is determined by how much Max MP is spent to create the barrier. For every [color=0054a6]5 MP[/color] spent the seal has 1 HP. However, in order to break the seal, the Seal's HP must be reduced to zero by a single hit. In order to dispel the Seal, Nador must be on site. This prevents Nador From casting a barrier to keep others from following him and then removing them while he is gone. When the barrier is dispelled, by force or by himself, his MP pool is increased by the amount of MP he gave up to cast it. [/list] [u][b]Equipment-[/b][/u] [b]Main Weapon:[/b] None per say, his mind is his weapon. [b]Off-Hand:[/b] See above [b]Armor:[/b] His clothes. What other armor does he need? [b]Other:[/b] Book of many ancient spells- This is a book that contains a wide verity of ritual magics. All unorthodox of course. Although powerful, the spells in this book require long intervals of uninterrupted time and large amounts of magic to work. Almost any effect desired can be achieved (within LoZ reason), however, the spells effects must be decided upon at the start of the ritual with very little room for modification. While casting from this book the user can not move, and if any HP is lost then the spell is canceled and the magical energies gathered are released with little to no damage done to anything in the area. [b]Potions:[/b] 2 Magic Potions [b]Theme Song:[/b] (Optional) [b]Notes:[/b] [/hider]