New GODDESS [IMG][/IMG] Astralia Goddess of "The Gentle Sky" Alignment Neutral Good Symbol A pair of Silver Wings Colors Blue & White Animal Astras; a large pure white bird known to reach grand size some reported as large as 70 foot wing spans. If attacked or molested Astras attack as if they were Air Elementals of 5-16 hit die. On rare occasions the goddess is known to appear and defend her pets. Class 18th lvl Air Mage / 18th lvl Cleric Element Air Shared elements Fire an Water Astralia is one of the original 3 gods that divided the world and rule over it (I plan on writing up the 9 main Gods of this world but here's a quick list) 1st High gods Sun - Perius Moon - Seleia Stars - Cintas 2nd World gods Sky - Astralia Earth - Gent Sea - Sotous 3rd Tri gods Life - Kess Death - Death Mana - Liret