Ambrose shook his head and leaned back slightly his in the library chair. His arms crossed over his chest as he listened quietly to Samantha. He noticed Caleb spotting him, and he also noticed how quietly Caleb's gaze snapped away from him. It stung. But it was expected. So Ambrose swallowed thickly and tried to refocus. He stiffened at the mention of forbidden magic, doing stuff to mess with people's minds didn't seem like a good idea to him. "Why the hell can't we just ask Alex?" Ambrose hissed, but flinched when Samantha jabbed a finger at him. Ambrose bristled at the accusation, "You really going to try and pin his shitty attitude on me?" Ambrose snapped back, rising up out of seat momentarily. Jeremy stood up in unison, challenging Ambrose to take a step forward. Thankfully, Ariana stepped between them, diffusing the situation successfully. Ambrose huffed and fell back to his chair with an annoyed scoff. He cast a scornful glare between Caleb and Samantha as they came to the agreement. "He's right, I'm probably just dead weight." He protested. Ambrose shook his head in disapproval in response to Samantha, before standing up and following Caleb out the door. He didn't really have a say in the matter it turned out. "Are we really doing this?" He hissed at Caleb in frustration, trailing at his heels. "I know I'm new at this, but they probably banned that kind of magic for good reason! It's only gonna dig a bigger hole for us if it goes wrong in [i]any way[/i]." Ambrose tried to reason, "I don't understand why we can't just talk to Alex."