[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE0Mi4xNmM4ZTkuVEdGMWNtVnVJRkpwWkdkbGQyRjUuMAAA/arellion.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MsjSacXMUUKbu/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Lauren closed her eyes letting out a slight yawn as she leaned back in the chair, she then heard Vera once more which she opened them again looking at Lady Munn as she woke up. She quickly stood up making her way over towards the tray that the steward had left for them earlier, Lauren grabbed the bottle of aspirin taking two of them. Lauren started pouring a glass of water for Vera and made her way back towards the bed sitting back down on the chair. [color=cyan]"You had about four glasses or so before you started to get intoxicated."[/color] Lauren said, as she handed the glass of aspirin and water to her. [color=cyan]"Just take it easy, try not to move to sudden."[/color] Lauren instructed to Vera, running a hand through her hair she turned her attention back to Vera. [color=cyan]"We are in one of the delegates rooms in the barracks, I helped you into the room once they had set it up for you."[/color] She said with a soft smile, Lauren then started to wonder what it was that Vera had been dreaming about just moments prior from before when she had suddenly woken up. [color=cyan]"I was wondering, were you dreaming at all because a few minutes again you had woken up and said. 'Run, run, run, got to be speedy.' It did look like some kind of nightmare do you remember any of it?"[/color] Lauren asked her. But seeing Vera was starting to deal with her hangover, Lauren knew that her memory wouldn't be the best. She did have a feeling that it was somehow related to the nightmares that she had been dealing with along with everyone else that was in the group at the museum where they had met the others just a few hours ago in Vera's office.