[b]Name:[/b] Stephanie Stints [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Half-Elf [b]Looks:[/b] A young woman with long, raven hair and sharp amber eyes. Her skin is somewhat pale, and decidedly unblemished. Her lean build is usually buried under a set of high-quality green vestments, though underneath she wears a suit of leather armor for protection. She’s somewhat short for her age, and her Elven heritage makes her quite light as well when compared to a full Human. As with all Half-Elves, her ears have a dull point to them and her eyes seem to have a mischievous fey glint. [b]Bio:[/b] Stephanie Stints had heard of her heritage from the rest of the townsfolk in the slums before she had ever heard it from her own mother. The bastard of a Human noble’s dalliance, no doubt. Some rich ass went slumming, looked for an easy woman, promised her the world, and left her with a child and empty assurances. Stephanie’s mother scraped by however she could, which often meant far less than legal actions, but the pair loved each other and that love made life tolerable despite their lack of food or funds. One day, however, Stephanie’s mother crossed the wrong man. Or group, rather. She had stolen a precious golden medallion from one of her clients as she left, and this client had turned out to be a higher-up in the mob. Stephanie returned home from a busy day of picking pockets to find her mother bound and gagged in a chair, a group of men surrounding her. One of the men restrained Stephanie, her screams muffled by his rough hand, and made her watch as they snatched the medallion and slowly tortured her mother to death. She averted her eyes whenever she could, however, concentrating on a silver serpent on top of the leader’s cane. Years later, this serpent would be all she could remember, burned into her mind forever. It was then that she understood the power of money, and she vowed to do whatever she could to never be in a situation like that. She was a thief to start, but quickly moved to legitimate business when she had enough funds to invest. She and her money were pure again, and she began making a name for herself in the business world. She now finds herself travelling to Valstand castle to sell exotic peppercorns, having heard of an upcoming celebration. A new queen calls for an expensive party, and expensive party food requires expensive spices. It’s a guaranteed gold mine.