[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Vilageidiotx] Is it because it's a kids movie or because it's targeted at girls? Because I knew many men who were praising frozen and I personally like -a few- kids movies. :P [/quote] Frozen is targeted at girls in the same way that Treasure Planet is targeted at boys. It's not targeted at girls, it's targeted at young audiences - it is a Disney movie after all - the presence of two princesses doesn't make its audience specifically girls. Frozen is just a well done animated movie which normally wouldn't be much to write home about considering the somewhat bloated state of animated family affairs of varying quality these days; in this case it's not just the soundtrack and colors but the more overt themes that hit home for older audiences. It's a movie that appeals to all ages not because it's like the Dreamworks idea of 'all audiences' (meaning 'here's some risque humor for the parents and some dated references that make the movie of-an-era), but because of how it presents its more mature themes...mature for what is ostensibly a movie for kids, anyway. I mean hell, the movie might as well be the anti-Disney movie considering at its core it's a movie about a love story between two women and the prince charming archetype is a subversion of expectations of the characters. And there's certainly more that could be mentioned but Frozen is like almost four years old now so it's all been said before. Frozen is a good movie but it suffered the fate a lot of movies of its kind suffer in that it became insufferable for like six months after its release because everyone was singing fucking Let It Go and it became the 'thing' to start shitting on Frozen because liking something for kids is dumb. The appeal is easy enough to explain so I'll do it again: Frozen is an especially well done movie with solid, consistent animation, good characters, catchy song numbers, and manages to have something for everyone in a genuine fashion. [quote=@BrokenPromise] It had also been quite some time since Disney released a worthwhile animated movie [/quote] I wouldn't say that. Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph both pre-date Frozen (2010 and 2012 respectively) and both were well regarded - Tangled was even a musical to boot.