[hider=Gorn the Merchant WIC][Appearance] Name: Gorn Age: 336 Gender: Male Race: Goron Personality: Gorn is especially well tempered and likeable. Outgoing and consistently optimistic; you'll rarely find him in a bad mood. He tries to find the good in everything and everyone. Even when fighting enemies, he rarely takes it personally. The only times he becomes angry are when his friends and innocents are bullied or mistreated. He has a passion for the weak and downtrodden of society. He will oftentimes give large amounts of the wealth he makes, to the poor in the cities he visits. He is an adventurer and traveler as well. He loves exploring and learning the inner workings of the economies in towns and cities. He is quite knowledgeable of the best merchants to barter with and trading spots to set up shop. When it comes to things of politics, he is mostly ignorant. The topic never interested him. He has a witty sense of humor and likes to ease tensions and awkwardness with it. He is single minded in bringing joy and goodness to the people of Hyrule in whatever way that may look like using; humor, gifts and services. Biography: Gorn grew up in the home of a loving father who cared very deeply for him. He was mostly ignorant of the ways in how to raise children or how to pick a good name for his son. One day Gorn was being taught how to say "Goron" from his father. It wasn't getting anywhere. When he left in frustration that's when something incredible happened. A little creature walked up to Gorn and began giving him the pronunciation of the word 'Goron' by starting with 'gor'. Gorn took 'gor' and added 'n' to it. By the time his father came back, he was saying it over and over again. His father was very impressed and decided to name him his favorite word, 'Gorn.' After that moment, Gorn and his new friend, Conflitti, were inseparable. For many years, Confliti stuck around Gorn. There was something about the kid that he liked, and it's not like his bumbling father could be trusted to look after him very well. So as Gorn grew, so too did their bond. Meaner kids would try to bully him for having a dimwit for a dad, or for still having an "imaginary friend." It reached a head when some particularly nasty kids attacked young Gorn, but Confliti was having none of that. He jumped from Gorn's shoulder to the other kid, then crawled around in his ear causing all sorts of trouble. It hurt, but the minish knew not to cause any lasting damage. From that day on, bullies gave Gorn a wide berth, afraid he had the protection of the gods. Against the wishes of his father, but at the encouragement of his best friend, Gorn got a fire stone tattoo on his arm. He always felt that the Goron's chief goddess, Din, had blessed him with the friendship of Conflitti. He wished to honor her in this act. While he was getting it worked on him, the goddess herself blessed Gorn with the power to damage enemies further. She had seen his sense of protection and his heart. She personally powered him up. It did not come without a cost however, because of her blessing, the other goddesses are incapable of the same. Whenever Confliti decided it was time for him to leave, Gorn would convince him to stick around, for just a bit longer. The minish wanted his friend to remember him as he was, since Gorn wouldn't be able to see him once he grew up, but the kid always kept him from going. Then one day, Gorn did grow up! Somehow, miraculously, Gorn never stopped being able to see Confliti. Neither are entirely sure why, but since Gorn isn't able to see any other minish, Confliti theorizes that because his friend never stopped believing in him, he never stopped seeing him. Regardless as to the reason, both were incredibly happy. Gorn eventually became a traveling merchant, and Confliti got himself a permanent ride around the kingdom. For a couple hundred years now they've wandered about from place to place together, wherever Gorn can make a profit and Confliti can kick some butt. They've made a good amount of money from the monster parts leftover in the fights. They saw the rise and fall of two cycles of Ganons. The the heroes and princesses that rose up in opposition. In both of those times, the King of Evil did not cause many problems before being brought down. This has given Gorn a sense of optimism in the idea of Ganon returning. If the last two times were any indication, Ganon would be taken out just as quickly, right? Gorn also helped to build the Steel Boulder Company's trade network with the cities and towns of the land using his vast knowledge of the economies of the various towns and cities. He was instrumental in relaying information and contacts which helped the company become widely influential. Through the company, Gorn hopes to build up their status and strength in the land of Hyrule. In recent times they have started resorting to questionable tactics with their intimidating mercs. Gorn is a vocal protester of their bad publicity and requests they tone it down. Conflitti is somewhat hesitant to take part in their ambitions, but Gorn assures him that it will all work out for the Goron people and the land of Hyrule itself. Now the times are changing, and the two find themselves in Hyrule Castle Town. Murders have grown more prominent, monster attacks more frequent, and the Yiga Clan and the Cult of Ganon are more active than either have been in a great deal of time. Gorn still finds hope in the problems and believes the goddesses will bring justice and healing to their land. Especially Din. -Stats- Health: 8/10 Stamina: 2/10 Magic: 0/10 Hearts: 16 (3+8+5) Stamina: 25 (15+10) Magic: 15 Feats 1. Goron Trait: Stone Body - Gorons are immune to most types of attacks from behind and while rolling, and are able to roll. 2. Profession/Talent Trait: Steel Boulder Company Merchant - The Steel Boulder Company has made changes into the way in which merchants are sent out to trade and barter with other towns and cities. To combat the threat of bandits, outlaws or anything else that would get in the way of profit margins, it trains willing members in hand to hand combat techniques. (Allows for grappling, disarmament, and knocking over humanoids. When a grapple is successful, a choke may be initiated against their stamina. Every action drains it down until gone which knocks them out giving no heart damage.) 3. Feat (Technique): Helmsplitter (not sure the stats or cost on this one) 4. Feat (Technique): Counter - For a cost of 10 stamina, Gorn may initiate a counter-attack. It deflects an incoming melee attack and deals guaranteed weapon damage (defenses still apply). It may not be used more than once in any one battle because the enemies would see it coming a second time. 5. Feat (Trait): Blessing of Din - Since an early age, Gorn seems to have been blessed by Din herself. Gorn even tattooed the Fire Stone on his arm to honor her. (Due to the blessing of Din, Gorn deals 1 extra heart of damage for all melee attacks. A downside of this blessing is that he can never be blessed by the powers of the other goddesses. 6. Feat (Trait): Bomb Thrower - For all the years he's practiced mining for precious minerals, ores and gems, Gorn has learned how to place a bomb right where it needs to be. (Gorn's throwing is very precise and almost always lands where he wants it to, within range). Equipment- Main Weapon: Giant Ball and chain Off-Hand: Armor: Plate Mail worn under his clothing. Other: (Do you carry any extra tools? Include only ones that can be used for combat here) Potions: Health, Stamina Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgDNCmGr-Q4]The Cave[/url] Notes: Let me know if you need anything changed, thanks! [@Sho Minazuki][/hider]