Still here, been busy but the little time off gave me a while to think about the game. Namely, I don't think I can keep playing Ezekiel. There's like, no real world parallel structure and familiar environments to keep him or other normie characters contained as is the case in, say, Hogwarts. Everything is accepted by every character at face value because of the genre, no matter how outlandish or by modern world standards plain wrong things are, and that makes working a straight man routine for it repetitive and tiresome after a while. It was fun but I feel there's just nothing to play off of, world or character-wise, to keep it going in any way that's not just a one note gag that overextends. And any acceptance process of the setting for Ezekiel would take forever, or at least longer than I expect any given roleplay to last, so yeah, I'll be making a new student character in a similar vein to Zeke in powers and skills just, already adapted to the world and whatnot. And since 13's character is doing an asian martial arts thing, I figure I'll do a western fighting methods guy. Just gotta settle on whether I'll do a smooth technical guy or a brash power striker.