[center][h1]A Single Element[/h1][/center] Hello all, and welcome to A Single Element, a universe that runs alongside your own as well as many others, where one of the biggest differences is the inclusion of beings known as Mages. I am your guide, Horace Amser, this universe's current Time Mage. [hr][hr] [center][h2]Setting[/h2][/center] This RP will be set on earth and the time frame will most likely be modern day, though this is not set in stone as I would like to hear the preferences of my players before locking it in. [hr][hr] [center][h2]Mages[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][h3]What They Are[/h3][/center] Mages are humans that have magic powers. Each Mage is limited to controlling a single element, such as Life or Death. Each element, likewise, has only one Mage. The powers of the different elements, however, can overlap, but no two have the exact same power set. Mages have existed since the beginning of time, are nearly immortal, and cannot die of natural causes, but there are things that can kill them. [hr] [center][h3]What They Do[/h3][/center] Many Mages exist to keep balance in the universe, such as Life and Death. Others are embodiments of elements present in every day life, such as Water and Air. Regardless of which type of Mage they are, they possess great power over their element and the majority try to stay out of the public eye to work behind the scenes. [hr] [center][h3]Killing a Mage[/h3][/center] Not much can kill a Mage as a Mage's body can heal itself quickly, small cuts healing instantly, but larger wounds taking longer to heal, though some have been known to survive beheadings. To kill a Mage, you have three options, find something that can destroy them faster than they can heal, find an object that nullifies immortality, or get them in range of the Blocker. [hr] [center][h3]The Blocker[/h3][/center] The Blocker is a special kind of Mage who shows no signs of having powers, not even the immortality or quick healing all other Mages possess. Instead, he has the passive ability to nullify all powers of all Mages within a certain area around him. Many blockers go their entire lives without knowing of their abilities, as they never encounter any of the Mages. It's a fairly large world, after all. [hr] [center][h3]After a Mage's Death[/h3][/center] If a Mage dies, their powers can be taken by their murderer or anyone nearby, sometimes without the new Mage even being aware, but are usually given to someone else by another Mage to pick up where they left off. A side effect of this type of reincarnation is that certain personality traits can be passed on through reincarnation, such as one Mage feeling obliged to protect another even though there's no real reason to, two Mages falling in love over and over throughout different incarnations, or even two characters hating each other over and over. [hr][hr] [center][h2]Plot and Character Lore[/h2][/center] I feel like the plot is something that shouldn't be left up to one person, but rather discussed amongst the group. I know what I want to do, but I want to know what everyone else wants to do because the story is about more than just me and my characters. Eventually, I would like to have a full timeline of the Mages to put up, including all past incarnations' birth and death dates, but that part is not necessary at the moment. Whether in the character sheets or revealed through the RP itself, I would like some lore for the characters and the world around them, such as the/one of the Ice Mage(s) being responsible for the Ice Ages, the Death Mage owning a three-headed dog named Cerberus, or one of the Mages formerly being a blacksmith that forged Excalibur. It can be tied to history, mythology, religion, whatever you like. [hr][hr] [center][h2]Other information[/h2][/center] This is an RP designed for a large group as there will be a large number of elements to choose from, and more can be added if someone wants to sign up when we are 'out of characters'. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them.